protoc php generator plugin .
you can install protoc-gen-php with composer command.
# add protocolbuffers/protoc-gen-php entry to your global composer.json ($HOME/.composer/composer.json)
"require": {
"protocolbuffers/protoc-gen-php": "dev-master"
# install with composer
composer global install
# set PATH (add this line to your .bashrc or .zshrc.)
export PATH=$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin/:$PATH
# this will link composer/bin/protoc-gen-php to /usr/local/bin/protoc-gen-php
protoc --php_out=<output_directory> -I. person.proto
# you can also specify the command.
protoc --plugin=vendor/bin/protoc-gen-php --php_out=<output_directory> -I. person.proto
protoc has comment based insertion point
mechanism. it's very usefull to customize generated message.
but you need to write custom plugin when using that.
protoc-gen-php has pragmatic feature which will check .protoc.php.yml
and insert contents when matched.
you can override protoc-gen-php behavior with environemnts.
key | description | example |
PACKAGE | over ride package name. expects dot delimited package name | |
PEAR_STYLE | don't use namespace. | PEAR_STYLE=1 |
new BSD License