This is an exercise application based on Laravel Framework and Vue JS framework.
Here you can register all the users you need, as ADMIN or USER profile. And track all your diet history with every meal you have, of course counting every calorie you ate!
- Vue Components
- Vue resource
- Bootstrap 4
- jQuery
- Moment js
To install and run this application just...
- Clone this repository on your computer
- Enter the folder just created
- Run the "composer update" command in order to get all the framework libraries not included here
- Set up your database configuration on the /config/database.php file
- Create the database you declared before on your testing server
- Run the "php artisan migrate" command to create all the database estructure with some pre populated tables
- Run the "php artisan serve" command if you want to run the application in development mode
- Or complete the configuration to set up your web server and point to the /public folder in order to run the application in production mode.
For more details about this you can always consult the official documentation and video tutorial library of any modern web application framework, making it a breeze to get started learning the framework.
By default you can use the following user to start into this:
User: [email protected] Password: admin