Ladybug-comfort is a Python library that adds thermal comfort functionalities to ladybug-core.
To install the library use:
pip install ladybug-comfort
If you want to also include the dependencies needed for thermal mapping use:
pip install -U honeybee-energy[mapping]
To check if the Ladybug-comfort command line interface is installed correctly,
use ladybug-comfort --help
"""Get the percentage of time outdoor conditions are comfortable with/without sun + wind"""
from ladybug.epw import EPW
from ladybug_comfort.collection.utci import UTCI
epw_file_path = './tests/epw/chicago.epw'
epw = EPW(epw_file_path)
utci_obj_exposed = UTCI.from_epw(epw, include_wind=True, include_sun=True)
utci_obj_protected = UTCI.from_epw(epw, include_wind=False, include_sun=False)
print(utci_obj_exposed.percent_neutral) # comfortable percent of time with sun + wind
print(utci_obj_protected.percent_neutral) # comfortable percent of time without sun + wind
- Clone this repo locally
git clone [email protected]:ladybug-tools/ladybug-comfort.git
# or
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd ladybug-comfort
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run Tests:
python -m pytest ./tests
- Generate Documentation:
sphinx-apidoc -f -e -d 4 -o ./docs ./ladybug_comfort
sphinx-build -b html ./docs ./docs/_build/docs
Ladybug-comfort is a derivative work of the following software projects:
- CBE Comfort Tool for indoor thermal comfort calculations. Available under GPL.
- UTCI Fortran Code for outdoor thermal comfort calculations. Available under MIT.
Applicable copyright notices for these works can be found within the relevant .py files.