Bug Fixes
artifact id in state was not unique
command placeholders should not have a $ prefix
keep catalog entries without source decl
resolves a bug in version.bump / add tests
shared mutex for log writer / pass-thru stdout from action container
stdout and stderr for failed commands / unix path files in module
add action category, generate action index
add artifact id
add audit events to state
add certs property to config
add containsKey method to cel rules
add dependencies to provenance
add extract_file option to artifact upload
add hasPrefix function to cel expr
add hash to catalog file, prepare to store catalog in oci registry
add in-toto-golang / provenance pkg to support
add more details to catalog list
add nonProxyHosts to default jvm opts
add provenance endpoint to api (incomplete)
auto-set proxy in _JAVA_OPTIONS
automatically generate provenance on artifact upload
calculate sha256 hash for all uploaded artifacts
change audit format / include the container image uri
change env access structure / add doc generate command
download artifacts via id / logging
filter base64 decoded values from output
find host ca-bundle and merge extra ca certs by default
forward http proxy env vars to all containers
generate intoto slsa provenance
log module slug on action start / end
move port and env helper funcs into shared library
pass action env to action container
set provenance invocationId
store state across multiple files
support aliases and entrypoint overwrite
support ca-extra.crt to pass ca's into containers
support cel queries in artifact list
support env overwrite in cid x
support filter on artifact api
support for custom ca-bundle / ca bundle pass-thru
support for getMapValue in rules
support ports arg in cid x
support remote catalog's
support repo / version in workflow run / list cmd
support version constraint in command-execute api
temp dir for actions, proxy stdin when using x subcommand
update to slsa v1.0
use RunAPICommand for cid x
use [masked] to hide secrets, make proxy-writer thread-safe
change renovate target branch to main
only pass proxy env if a proxy has been set
remove lint stage from ci
rename main repository from central to cid
use .config/cid as config dir
use cidverse renovate preset
use shared ci workflow
version the normalizeci spec
move version pkg to cidverseutils
rename registry to catalog
You can’t perform that action at this time.