A library to create apps for version control platforms, specifically to automate pull request creation.
type WorkflowTask struct {
// Name returns the name of the task
func (n WorkflowTask) Name() string {
return "cid-workflow-update"
// Execute runs the task
func (n WorkflowTask) Execute(ctx taskcommon.TaskContext) error {
helper := simpletask.New(ctx)
// clone repository
err := helper.Clone()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to clone repository: %w", err)
// create and checkout new branch
err = helper.CreateBranch("chore/my-branch-name")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create branch: %w", err)
// TODO: make file modifications here (in ctx.Directory, temp dir with a clean clone of the repository for every task)
// commit, push and create merge request
err = helper.CommitPushAndMergeRequest("chore: my change", "chore: my change", "my-description", "unique-key-to-prevent-duplicates")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to commit push and create or update merge request: %w", err)
return nil
// platform
platform, err := vcsapp.GetPlatformFromEnvironment() // automatically configures the platform from environment variables, see below for details
// execute
err = vcsapp.ExecuteTasks(platform, []taskcommon.Task{
You are required to have the environment variables for one platform set.
Create a private key and store it in a file.
Environment Variable | Description |
The ID of the GitHub App. |
The path to the private key file. |
Create a GitLab user and generate a personal access token with the following permissions:
- api
Environment Variable | Description |
The GitLab server URL. |
The personal access token. |
Released under the MIT license.