Chat • Changelog • Prerequisites • Getting started • Creating a new bot • Generating Xcode project • API overview • Debugging notes • Examples • Documentation • Support • License
Sample projects:
Shopping list bot.
Word reverse bot.
Trivial bot:
import TelegramBotSDK
let bot = TelegramBot(token: "my token")
let router = Router(bot: bot)
router["greet"] = { context in
guard let from = context.message?.from else { return false }
context.respondAsync("Hello, \(from.firstName)!")
return true
router[.newChatMembers] = { context in
guard let users = context.message?.newChatMembers else { return false }
for user in users {
guard != else { return false }
context.respondAsync("Welcome, \(user.firstName)!")
return true
while let update = bot.nextUpdateSync() {
try router.process(update: update)
fatalError("Server stopped due to error: \(bot.lastError)")
Join our chat in Telegram: swiftsdkchat.
Release notes contain the significant changes in each release with migration notes.
On OS X, use the latest Xcode 9 release.
On Linux, install Swift 4.2
or newer and libcurl4-openssl-dev
package. Note that shopster-bot
example won't build on Linux because GRDB doesn't support Linux yet, but otherwise the library should be functional.
Please get familiar with the documentation on Telegram website:
In Telegram, add BotFather
. Send him these commands:
BotFather will return a token.
Create a project for your bot:
mkdir hello-bot
cd hello-bot
swift package init --type executable
Create Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.1
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "hello-bot",
products: [
// Products define the executables and libraries produced by a package, and make them visible to other packages.
name: "hello-bot",
targets: ["hello-bot"]
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
// .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"),
.package(url: "", from: "1.1.0"),
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages which this package depends on.
name: "hello-bot",
dependencies: ["TelegramBotSDK"]),
Create Sources/main.swift
import Foundation
import TelegramBotSDK
let token = readToken(from: "HELLO_BOT_TOKEN")
let bot = TelegramBot(token: token)
while let update = bot.nextUpdateSync() {
if let message = update.message, let from = message.from, let text = message.text {
text: "Hi \(from.firstName)! You said: \(text).\n")
fatalError("Server stopped due to error: \(bot.lastError)")
Do not commit your token to git!
reads token from environment variable or from a file. So, either create an environment variable:
export HELLO_BOT_TOKEN='token'
Or save the token to a file and add the file to .gitignore:
echo token > HELLO_BOT_TOKEN
Build your bot:
swift build
And run it:
More details are available on Wiki: New Bot.
It's easy:
swift package generate-xcodeproj
Open generated hello-bot.xcodeproj
and switch the active scheme to the bottom one:
Don't forget to add your token to environment variables in Xcode (Scheme settings -> Run).
Press CMD-R to start the bot.
SDK type and request names closely mirror original Telegram ones.
Swift types and enums were added where appropriate:
if entity.type == .botCommand { ... }
In most cases raw methods accepting strings are also available. They can be used as fallbacks if required enum case is not added yet:
if entity.typeString == "bot_command" { ... }
To allow accessing fields which are still missing in SDK, every data type has json
member with original json structure:
if entity.json["type"].stringValue == "bot_command" { ... }
All types conform to JsonConvertible
protocol and can be created from json or serialized back to json. Use debugDescription
method for human-readable json or description
for json which can be sent to server.
Sync and Async
Request names closely mirror Telegram ones, but have two versions: synchronous
and asynchronous
with method suffixes Sync
and Async
- Synchronous methods block until the operation is completed.
let fromId: Int64 = 12345678 // your user id
bot.sendMessageSync(fromId, "Hello!") // blocks until the message is sent
bot.sendMessageSync(fromId, "Bye.")
These methods return a server response or nil
in case of error. If nil
is returned, details can be obtained by querying bot.lastError
guard let sentMessage = bot.sendMessageSync(fromId, "Hello") else {
fatalError("Unable to send message: \(bot.lastError.unwrapOptional)")
Do not use synchronous methods in real apps because they're slow. Use them when debugging or for experimenting in REPL
. More details: Using Swift REPL for calling API methods
- Asynchronous methods accept an optional completion handler which will be called when operation is completed.
Completion handler is called on main thread by default.
bot.sendMessageAsync(fromId, "Hello!") { result, error in
// message sent!
bot.sendMessageAsync(fromId, "Bye.")
// execution continues immediately
In completion handler result
contains the server response or nil
in case of error. Details can be obtained by querying error
For simplicity, it's possible to synchronously process messages, but respond asynchronously to avoid blocking the processing of the next message. So, a typical bot's main loop can look like this:
while let update = bot.nextUpdateSync() {
// process the message and call Async methods
Request parameters
Parameter names should be specified explicitly in most cases:
bot.sendLocationAsync(chat_id: chatId, latitude: 50.4501, longitude: 30.5234)
Exception to this are sendMessageSync/Async
and respondSync/Async
functions which are used very often. Parameter names can be omitted in them:
bot.sendMessageAsync(chatId: chatId, text: "Text")
bot.sendMessageAsync(chatId, "Text") // will also work
parameters can also be passed:
let markup = ForceReply()
bot.sendMessageAsync(chatId: chatId, text: "Force reply",
reply_markup: markup, disable_notification: true)
If you ever encounter a situation when parameter hasn't been added to method signature yet, you can pass a dictionary with any parameters at the end of parameter list:
let markup = ForceReply()
bot.sendMessageAsync(chatId: chatId, text: "Force reply",
["reply_markup": markup, "disable_notification": true])
It's also possible to set default parameter values for a request:
bot.defaultParameters["sendMessage"] = ["disable_notification": true]
In dictionaries nil
values will be treated as no value
and won't be sent to Telegram server.
Available requests
Check TelegramBot/Requests
subdirectory for a list of available requests.
If you find a missing request, please create a ticket and it will be added. Until then, an arbitrary unsupported endpoint can be called like this:
let user: User? = requestSync("sendMessage", ["chat_id": chatId, "text": text])
Or async version:
requestAsync("sendMessage", ["chat_id": chatId, "text": text]) { (result: User?, error: DataTaskError?) -> () in
These methods automatically deserialize the json response.
Explicitly specifying result type is important. Result type should conform to JsonConvertible
protocol. Bool
and Int
already conform to JsonConvertible
JSON class itself also conforms to JsonConvertible
, so you can request a raw json if needed:
let user: JSON? = requestSync("sendMessage", ["chat_id": chatId, "text": text])
Router maps text commands and other events to their handler functions and helps parsing command arguments.
let router = Router(bot)
router["command1"] = handler1
router["command2"] = handler2
router[.event] = handler3
router.process(update: update)
Multiple commands can be specified in a single rule:
router["Full Command Name", "command"] = handler
Multiword commands are also supported:
router["list add"] = onListAdd
router["list remove"] = onListRemove
Routers can be chained. This helps creating a context-sensitive routers with fallback to a global router.
router1.unmatched = router2.handler
Handlers take Context
argument and return Bool
- If handler returns
, command matching stops. - If handler returns
, other paths will be matched.
So, in handler check preconditions and return false if they aren't satisfied:
router["reboot"] = { context in
guard let fromId = context.fromId where isAdmin(fromId) else { return false }
context.respondAsync("I will now reboot the PC.") { _ in
return true
Handler functions can be marked as throws
and throw exceptions. Router won't process them and will simply pass the exceptions to caller.
is a request context, it contains:
- a reference to the bot.update
- currentUpdate
- convenience method for accessingupdate.message
. Ifupdate.message
is nil, fallbacks toupdate.edited_message
, then toupdate.callback_query?.message
- command without slash.slash
- true, if command was prefixed with a slash. Useful if you want to skip commands not starting with slash in group chats.args
- command arguments
- context sensitive properties. Pass them toprocess
var properties = [String: AnyObject]()
properties["myField"] = myValue
try router.process(update: update, properties: properties)
And use them in handlers:
func myHandler(context: Context) -> Bool {
let myValue =["myField"] as? MyValueType
// ...
Or make a Context
category for easier access to your properties, for example:
extension Context {
var session: Session { return properties["session"] as! Session }
also contains a few helper methods and variables:
- true, if this is a private chat with bot, false for all group chat types.chatId
- shortcut for message? If message is nil, tries to retrieve chatId from otherUpdate
- shortcut for message?.from?.id. If message is nil, tries to retrieve fromId from otherUpdate
- works assendMessage(chatId, ...)
respondPrivatelyAsync/Sync("text", groupText: "text")
- respond to user privately, sending a short message to the group if this was a group chat. For example:
context.respondPrivatelyAsync("Command list: ...",
groupText: "Please find a list of commands in a private message.")
reportErrorAsync/Sync(text: "User text", errorDescription: "Detailed error description for administrator")
- sends a short message to user and prints detailed error description to a console.text
parameter can be omitted, in which case user will receive a generic error message.
Text commands
Router can match text commands:
router["start"] = onStart
Command name is processed differently in private and group chats:
- In private chats slash is optional.
as well asstart
. - It group chats 'start' only matches
This can be overridden. The following line will require slash even in private chats:
router["start", .slashRequired] = onStart
Router is case-insensitive by default. To make it case-sensitive, pass .caseSensitive
router["command", .caseSensitive] = handler
Multiple options can be passed:
router["command", [.slashRequired, .caseSensitive]] = handler
In Telegram group chats, user can append bot name to a command, for example: /greet@hello_bot
. Router takes care of removing the @hello_bot
part from command name automatically.
Text commands with arguments
Words can be captured and then processed by using scanWord
router["two_words"] = { context in
let word1 = context.args.scanWord()
let word2 = context.args.scanWord()
Array of words can be captured using scanWords
router["words"] = { context in
let words = context.args.scanWords() // returns [String] array
Numbers can be captured using scanInt
, scanInt64
and scanDouble
. restOfString
captures the remainder as a single string.
router["command"] = { context in
let value1 = context.args.scanInt()
let value2 = context.args.scanDouble()
let text = context.args.scanRestOfString()
It's also possible to directly access NSScanner
used for scanning arguments: context.args.scanner
Handler is expected to read all the arguments, otherwise user will see a warning: Part of your input was ignored: text
So, for example, if there's a command swap
which expects two arguments but user types: /swap aaa bbb ccc
, he will see:
bbb aaa
Part of your input was ignored: ccc
A possible way to avoid the warning is to skip unneeded arguments by calling context.args.skipRestOfString()
Also, the warning can be overridden:
router.partialMatch = { context in
context.respondAsync("Part of your input was ignored: \(context.args.scanRestOfString())")
return true
Other events
Router can handle other event types as well. For example, when new user joins the chat, .new_chat_member
path will be triggered:
router[.new_chat_member] = { context in
guard let users = context.message?.newChatMembers else { return false }
for user in users {
guard != else { return false }
context.respondAsync("Welcome, \(user.firstName)!")
return true
Check TelegramBot/Router/ContentType.swift
file for a complete list of events supported by Router.
Handling unmatched paths
If no paths were matched, router will call it's unmatched
handler, which will print "Command not found" by default.
This can be overridden by setting an explicit handler:
router.unmatched = { context in
// Do something else with context.args
return true
In debugger you may want to dump the contents of a json structure, but debugDescription
loses it's formatting.
helper function allows printing any JsonConvertible
with indentation:
let user: User
bot.sendMessageSync(fromId, "Hello!")?.prettyPrint()
There are 3 example projects available:
- a trivial bot which responds to/greet
command and greets users who join the chat. -
- demonstrates how to handle start and stop requests, keep session state and parse command arguments. Behaves differently in private and group chats. Uses a router and a controller. -
- maintains a shopping list using sqlite3 database. Allows creating shared shopping lists in group chats. GRDB library is used for working with database.
Details on compiling and running the bots are available on Wiki: Building and running the example projects.
Additional documentation is available on Telegram Bot Swift SDK Wiki.
Check Examples/
for sample bot projects.
This SDK is a work in progress, expect the API to change very often.
Please submit an issue on Github.
If you miss a specific feature, please create an issue and it will be prioritized. Pull Requests are also welcome.
Talk with other developers in our Telegram chat: swiftsdkchat.
Happy coding!
Apache License Version 2.0 with Runtime Library Exception. Please see LICENSE.txt for more information.