LME v1.1.0
[1.1.0] - Timberrrrr! - 2023-11-28
- Templates for bug reports, feature requests and pull requests
- contributing.md for guidelines to contribute to the project
- releases.md to summarize release versioning and release steps
- Documentation to filter out verbose logs in filtering.md
- 3 new dashboards
- Dashboards Readme
- Python script (export_dashboards.py) to export one or all dashboards
- SetupTestbed.ps1 now takes an optional "location" parameter
- Updates and additions to markdown documentation
- deploy.sh will exit after trying a certain number of times instead of hanging
- If you already have LME installed, the only change in functionality is new dashboards. Please reference upgrading.md for the full set of instructions to install them.
- Note: if you made changes to our dashboards, save them to a dashboard with a new name so they are not overwritten in the update.
- There is an ELK Stack Buffer Overflow Bug that is fixed in a more recent version of Elastic. You can install the upgrade manually by doing the following:
- Change all occurrences of "8.7.1" to "8.10.3" in docker-compose-stack-live.yml in the Linux Server's /opt/lme directory.
- sudo docker stack rm lme (kill the old containers)
- sudo docker stack deploy lme —compose-file /opt/lme/Chapter\ 3\ Files/docker-compose-stack-live.yml (redeploy with new version)
We will update Elastic automatically in a future release.