gpsd isn't the easiest thing to monitor from a phone, and I needed to check the state of the GPS on a little IoT thing I built.
Here's a hacky little python script to roughly approximate the output of cgps
, but in a web page.
NB: in the same way that gpsd
only listens to localhost by default, this server also only listens on localhost by default.
NB: If you're planning on using this with a ublox-based receiver aboard an aircraft I suggest you configure the dynamics mode to "Aircraft <1g" or else the receiver will constantly reset.
usage: [-h] [-g GPSD] [-i SEC] [-l LISTEN] [-p PORT] [-t SEC] [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GPSD, --gpsd GPSD [gpsd://localhost:2947/dev/ttyACM0]
-i SEC, --web-refresh-interval SEC how often the web page updates in seconds [2.0]
-l LISTEN, --listen LISTEN []
-p PORT, --port PORT [4773]
-t SEC, --timeout SEC GPSD socket timeout in seconds [3]
-v, --verbose [0]