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Differences from The Reasoned Schemer
The following are the most important differences from the version of miniKanren described in The Reasoned Schemer (TRS).
- #s is s#
- #u is u#
- Clojure core.logic's conde is actually the book's condi. Core.logic offers no conde as is presented in the book. This means the order of results may not match what is shown in the book when you use conde.
- conde does not support defining an else clause. Just use a (s# ...) at the end of your conde.
- Clojure has no way to create pairs (sequences with improper tails). The core.logic lcons constructor fn provides this behavior. llist is a convenience macro that expands out into nested lcons expressions.
- nullo is emptyo
- nilo unifies with nil
- caro is firsto
- cdro is resto
For example TRS 2-52 (Chapter 2, #52) is written like so in Scheme:
(run #f (r)
(fresh (x y)
(== (cons x (cons y 'salad)) r)))
It can be written like this in core.logic:
(run* [r]
(fresh [x y]
(== (lcons x (lcons y 'salad)) r)))
TRS 3-10 is written like so in Scheme:
(run 1 (x)
(listo `(a b c . ,x)))
Can be written like this in core.logic:
(run 1 [x]
(listo (llist 'a 'b 'c x)))
There is no predicate pair?, however you can provide one yourself with the following:
(defn pair? [x]
(or (lcons? x) (and (coll? x) (seq x))))
Related, implementing list? as shown in TRS 3-1 is unnecessary. seq? is more appropriate in Clojure. This is because proper list-like things and pairs are not conflated in Clojure as they are in Scheme. In general you should not use vectors when working through TRS. Use list or a quoted list. TRS examples that use Scheme quasiquote will need to be written like so (TRS 3-7):
(run* [x]
(listo (list 'a 'b x 'd)))