This project is intended to test write, read and query performances of several NoSQL data-stores like MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, Redis, Solr and various others.
Supported: MongoDB, Solr, Cassandra
WIP: HBase
- java
- git
cd /opt
git clone
To run the benchmark programs, use the wrapper script from bin
cd /opt/benchmark
chmod +x bin/benchmark
with out any arguments, run
script will show the supported sub-commands that a user can run:
Usage: benchmark DRIVER
Possible DRIVER(s)
mongo mongo benchmark driver
solr solr benchmark driver
cassandra cassandra benchmark driver
where, each sub-command represents a driver interface to the application that's used to benchmark.
####Benchmarking Mongo Mongo benchmark driver can do the following:
- Benchmark inserts for given number of events (also supports concurrency)
- Benchmark random reads (also supports concurrency)
- Benchmark predefined aggregate queries on top of inserted data
$bin/benchmark mongo --help
mongo 0.7
Usage: mongo_benchmark [options] [<totalEvents>...]
-m <insert|read|agg_query> | --mode <insert|read|agg_query>
operation mode ('insert' will insert log events, 'read' will perform random reads & 'agg_query' performs pre-defined aggregate queries)
-u <value> | --mongoURL <value>
mongo connection url to connect to, defaults to: 'mongodb://localhost:27017' (for more information on mongo connection url format, please refer:
-e <value> | --eventsPerSec <value>
number of log events to generate per sec
total number of events to insert|read
-s <value> | --ipSessionCount <value>
number of times a ip can appear in a session, defaults to: '25'
-l <value> | --ipSessionLength <value>
size of the session, defaults to: '50'
-b <value> | --batchSize <value>
size of the batch to flush to mongo instead of single inserts, defaults to: '0'
-t <value> | --threadsCount <value>
number of threads to use for write and read operations, defaults to: 1
-p <value> | --threadPoolSize <value>
size of the thread pool, defaults to: 10
-d <value> | --dbName <value>
name of the database to create|connect in mongo, defaults to: 'logs'
-c <value> | --collectionName <value>
name of the collection to create|connect in mongo, defaults to: 'logEvents'
-w <value> | --writeConcern <value>
write concern level to use, possible values: none, safe, majority; defaults to: 'none'
-r <value> | --readPreference <value>
read preference mode to use, possible values: primary, primaryPreferred, secondary, secondaryPreferred or nearest; defaults to: 'none'
primary - all read operations use only current replica set primary
primaryPreferred - if primary is unavailable fallback to secondary
secondary - all read operations use only secondary members of the replica set
secondaryPreferred - operations read from secondary members, fallback to primary
nearest - use this mode to read from both primaries and secondaries (may return stale data)
-i | --indexData
index data on 'response_code' and 'request_page' after inserting, defaults to: 'false'
specifies whether to create a shard collection or a normal collection
specifies whether to pre-split a shard and move the chunks to the available shards in the cluster
-o <value> | --operationRetries <value>
number of times a operation has to retired before exhausting, defaults to: '10'
prints this usage text
Mongo Benchmark Example(s):
Inserts of 100000, 1000000 and 100000000 documents consecutively on single mongo instance:
bin/benchmark mongo --mode insert 100000 1000000 100000000
Inserts of 100000, 1000000 and 100000000 documents on sharded mongo cluster, this requires running the benchmark from
(mongo router)bin/benchmark mongo --mode insert 100000 1000000 100000000 --shard
Inserts of 100000, 1000000 and 100000000 documents consecutively and also indexes the data once inserted:
bin/benchmark mongo --mode insert 100000 1000000 100000000 --indexData
Insert data with indexing and custom batch size:
bin/benchmark mongo --mode insert 100000 1000000 100000000 --indexData --batchSize 5000
Benchmark random reads of 10000, 100000 and 1000000 documents:
bin/benchmark mongo --mode read 10000 100000 1000000
Perform aggregation queries on the inserted data
bin/benchmark mongo --mode agg_query
All the inserts and reads can be run concurrently using specified number of threads and threadPools, see options for more details
NOTE: By default, mongo benchmark driver tries to connect to local instance of mongo, please use --mongoURL
specify the path where the mongo is listening. For more details on how to build the url please visit
Example connection URI scheme:
####Benchmarking Solr Solr benchmark driver can do the following:
- Benchmark inserts for a given range of inputs
- Benchmark random reads
- Benchmark custom user input queries
$bin/benchmark solr --help
solr 0.1
Usage: index_logs [options] [<totalEvents>...]
Indexes log events to solr
-m <index|read|search> | --mode <index|read|search>
operation mode ('index' will index logs, 'search' will perform search &'read' will perform random reads against solr core)
-u <value> | --solrServerUrl <value>
url for connecting to solr server instance
total number of events to insert
-s <value> | --ipSessionCount <value>
number of times a ip can appear in a session
-l <value> | --ipSessionLength <value>
size of the session
-b <value> | --batchSize <value>
flushes events from memory to solr index, defaults to: '1000'
-c | --cleanPreviousIndex
deletes the existing index on solr core
-q <value> | --query <value>
solr query to execute, defaults to: '*:*'
--queryCount <value>
number of documents to return on executed query, default:10
prints this usage text
Before, benchmarking Solr you have to create a solr collection|core named logs
. The following steps illustrate how to
create a collection named logs on single solr core instance:
cp -r $SOLR_HOME/example $SOLR_HOME/logs
cp -r $SOLR_HOME/tweets/solr/collection1 $SOLR_HOME/tweets/solr/logs
rm -r $SOLR_HOME/tweets/solr/collection1
echo 'name=logs' > $SOLR_HOME/tweets/solr/logs/
where, $SOLR_HOME
is path where solr is installed (unpacked).
from logs collection should be replaced withresources/schema.xml
from the project dirsolrconfig.xml
from logs collection should be replaced withresources/solrconfig.xml
from the project dir
Solr Driver Example(s):
To benchmark the inserts of 100000, 1000000 and 100000000 log events consecutively:
bin/benchmark solr --mode insert 100000 1000000 100000000
To benchmark the inserts of 100000, 1000000 and 100000000 log events consecutively while clearing existing index data:
bin/benchmark solr --mode insert 100000 1000000 100000000 --cleanPreviousIndex
To benchmark the inserts of 100000, 1000000 and 100000000 log events consecutively while clearing existing index data and also providing batch size using which the driver will flush the data:
bin/benchmark solr --mode insert 100000 1000000 100000000 --cleanPreviousIndex --batchSize 10000
To benchmark random reads
bin/benchmark solr --mode read 10000 100000 1000000
To execute custom queries and return specified number of documents
bin/benchmark solr --mode search --query '*:*' --queryCount 20
####Benchmarking Cassandra Cassandra benchmark driver can do the following:
- Benchmark inserts for a given range of inputs
- Generates random movie dataset events
- Can insert in both
mode andnormal
mode, batch mode automatically batches a set of events and sends them to cassandra - supports both
operations, async does not wait for the cassandra to give the ack back - supports operation retries, default to 10 retries for operation before exhausting
- Benchmark random reads
- Automatically builds random queries to query the data from inserted 4 tables
$bin/benchmark cassandra --help
cassandra 0.5
Usage: cassandra_benchmark [options] [<totalEvents>...]
-m <insert|read|query> | --mode <insert|read|query>
operation mode ('insert' will insert log events, 'read' will perform random reads & 'query' performs pre-defined set of queries on the inserted data set)
-n <value> | --cassNode <value>
cassandra node to connect, defaults to: ''
total number of events to insert|read
-b <value> | --batchSize <value>
size of the batch to flush to cassandra; set this to avoid single inserts, defaults to: '0'
-c <value> | --customersDataSize <value>
size of the data set of customers to use for generating data, defaults to: '1000'
-k <value> | --keyspaceName <value>
name of the database to create|connect in cassandra, defaults to: 'moviedata'
-d | --dropExistingTables
drop existing tables in the keyspace, defaults to: 'false'
-a | --aSyncInserts
performs asynchronous inserts, defaults to: 'false'
-r <value> | --replicationFactor <value>
replication factor to use when inserting data, defaults to: '1'
-o <value> | --operationRetries <value>
number of times a operation has to retired before exhausting, defaults to: '10'
-t <value> | --threadsCount <value>
number of threads to use for write and read operations, defaults to: 1
-p <value> | --threadPoolSize <value>
size of the thread pool, defaults to: 10
prints this usage text
Cassandra Benchmark Example(s):
Inserts of 2500, 25000, 250000 of rows into 4 tables which is equivalent to 10000, 100000, 1000000 insertions
bin/benchmark cassandra --mode insert 2500 25000 250000
Inserts of 2500, 25000, 250000 of rows into 4 tables using batch inserts with a batch size of 500
bin/benchmark cassandra --mode insert 2500 25000 250000 --batchSize 500
Inserts of 2500, 25000, 250000 of rows into 4 tables using batch inserts with a batch size of 500 and also delete the previously existing data in the tables:
bin/run cassandra --mode insert 2500 25000 250000 --batchSize 500 --dropExistingTables
Inserts in asynchronous mode, which does not required acknowledge back from cassandra:
bin/benchmark cassandra --mode insert 2500 25000 250000 --batchSize 500 --dropExistingTables --aSyncInserts
Random reads
bin/benchmark cassandra --mode read 2500 25000 250000
All inserts and read operations in cassandra benchmark driver can be made concurrent by specifying theads count and thread poolsize, see options for more details
###License and Authors Authors: Ashrith
Apache 2.0. Please see LICENSE.txt
. All contents copyright (c) 2013, Cloudwick Labs.