Eclipse Class Decompiler integrates JD, Jad, FernFlower, CFR, Procyon seamlessly with Eclipse and allows Java developers to debug class files without source code directly. It also integrates with the eclipse class editor, m2e plugin, supports Javadoc, reference search, library source attaching, byte code view and the syntax of JDK8 lambda expression.
- Plugin Update Site One:
- Plugin Update Site Two:
- Plugin Update Site Three:
- Project Home Page:
Eclipse Class Decompiler is a plug-in for the Eclipse platform. It integrates JD, Jad, FernFlower, CFR, Procyon seamlessly with Eclipse, allows you to display all the Java sources during your debugging process, even if you do not have them all, and you can debug these class files without source code directly.
- Launch Eclipse,
- Click on "Help > Install New Software...",
- Click on button "Add..." to add an new repository,
- Enter name as "Eclipse Class Decompiler Update Site" and enter location as "", then click on button "OK",
- Check "Eclipse Class Decompiler",
- Next, next, next... and restart.
- Click on "Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations"
- "*.class" : "Class Decompiler Viewer" is selected by default.
- "*.class without source" : "Class Decompiler Viewer" is selected by default.
- Click on "Window > Preferences > Java > Decompiler"
- Click on "Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Installation Software",
- Select "Eclipse Class Decompiler",
- Click on "Uninstall...".