A sorting method for encoding metagenomic data
If required, install art and cmake tools:
sudo apt-get install art-nextgen-simulation-tools # for RunAll.sh
sudo apt-get install cmake
Then, install MizaR:
git clone https://github.com/cobilab/mizar
cd mizar/
chmod +x *.sh
./MizaR.sh --install
lzma -d VDB_MT_ALL_REF.fa.lzma
For compressing a metagenomic FASTQ file:
./Mizar --reads reads.fq --database VDB_MT_ALL_REF.fa \
--output compressed_reads.fq.mr --threads 8
To see the possible options type
./MizaR.sh --help
The info menu contains the following information
Metagenomic information zone arrangement Encoder V1.0
Program options ----------------------------------------
-h, --help Show this,
-i, --install Installation,
-s <INT>, --similarity <INT> Minimum similarity,
-y <DBL>, --sim-reads <DBL> Reads similarity,
-c <INT>, --cache <INT> Cache memory (max),
creating buckets,
-t <INT>, --threads <INT> Number of threads,
-o <STR>, --output <STR> Output file name,
-f, --fqzcomp Run Fqzcomp compressor,
-l, --lzma Run lzma compressor,
-j, --jarvis Run JARVIS compressor,
-r <STR>, --reads <STR> FASTQ reads (input),
-d <STR>, --database <STR> FASTA Viral Database.
Example -----------------------------------------------
./MizaR.sh --reads reads.fq --database VDB.mfa \
--output compressed_reads.fq.mr --fqzcomp --threads 8
To run the analysis of increasing the number of reference sequences and coverage:
./RunAll.sh 1> report-stdout.txt 2> report-stderr.txt &
To run the respective plots:
MizaR uses the following programs:
On using this software/method please cite:
- Article in revision
For any issue let us know at issues link.
GPL v3.
For more information: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.