a continuous test runner for .NET applications. True to form, Giles will watch you kick ass, and let you know right away when you have made a mistake (intentionally or not).
giles.exe -s [path_to_solution]
giles.ps1 (from root of solution, this will usually find your solution and test assemblies for you)
and giles-x86.ps1
are also available for strictly 32-bit applications)
Giles Options
s, SolutionPath Required. Path to the sln file
t, TestAssemblyPath Optional, Giles will try to find the test assembly
help Display this help screen.
While in the interactive console, press ? for a list of options:
Interactive Console Options:
? = Display options
C = Clear the window
I = Show current configuration
R = Run build & tests now
V = Display all messages from last test run
E = Display errors from last test run
O = Output errors from last test run to file...
D = Output all messages from last test run to file...
B = Set Build Delay
F = Set Test Filters
H = Clear Test Filters && Output Files
Q = Quit
P = Toggle Pause Giles
Giles shows build error while VS compiles without problem. What can I do? Change MSBuild.exe path in Giles config file. Giles uses .NET default MSBuild while some VS (like 2013) uses standalone version (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\msbuild.exe)
For more information and requirement to run Giles, please visit the wiki