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Parser: jashkenas Coffeescript

Andre Lewis edited this page Sep 28, 2016 · 10 revisions


=== A breakdown of the original Coffeescript parser, to help understand and eventually provide a guide to adding to. Based on the thread here:

The original Coffeescript Parser. This parser is where our current updates for CS6 are going. While it's not the easiest codebase to work with, it is the current target for our short term goals of getting ES6 Classes and Modules into Coffeescript.


  • It gets the job done.
  • There’s coffeelint.
  • The "standard" to ensure compatibility with.


  • Codebase is crufty and convoluted
  • Many pull requests are mired and may never be integrated
  • Adding new features is complicated
  • It is too permissive: It accepts more input code as legal than was intended, while still outputting valid JavaScript. This has led to disagreements on what is legal CoffeeScript and what is not.

Parser Overview

For a great explanation on the parser concepts, you should watch the video on CS, it's very informative and gives a great background on the jashkenas parser.

There is also a practical example from the conversation here by lydell:

jashkenas/coffeescript: No preprocessor. This is what it does:

Tokenize a string of CoffeeScript into an array of tokens. Feed that array of tokens to what is called the Rewriter, which inserts fake tokens for implicit parentheses and braces here and there. Feed the “rewritten” array of tokens into a parser generated by Jison from

The reason the Rewriter exists is because nobody has been able to be able to write a Jison grammar that handles the implicit parentheses and braces stuff.

Parser Details:

This section will eventually have a better breakdown of all of the pieces, however in the short term you can get a lot of insight from this interaction:

Excerpt from CS Pull Request by JimPanic regarding GeoffreyBooth's integration of Modules into the CS codebase.

identifierToken basically takes one word or symbol (read: @chunk) at a time, assigns it a name or type and creates a token in the form of a token tuple [ tag, value, offsetInChunk, length, origin ]. This is what the functions token and subsequently makeToken create.

In identifierToken there are a few key variables and functions that are needed:

@chunk: the current string to handle, this is split up into [input, id, colon] with the IDENTIFIER regular expression at the bottom id: in case of import, this is literally 'import' @tag(): gets the tag (first value of the token tuple) of the last processed token. When processing foo (as in the second chunk of import 'foo'), @tag() will return 'IMPORT'. @value(): gets the value (second value of the token tuple) of the last processed token. When processing foo (as in the second chunk of import 'foo'), @value() will return import, the very string that was held in id in the last chunk's handling. So basically what I added to identifierToken was the tags IMPORT, IMPORT_AS, IMPORT_FROM as well as the variable @seenImport to know that when I encounter an as or a from, this will be from an import and not a yield or similar. This also means in theory that from can still be used as an identifier as well. We have to test that though. :)

These three tags are then used in

There's also code the reset @seenImport when the statement is terminated (in lineToken iirc).

For this part I took a look at the spec for imports and basically copied the structure from there.

The DSL used here basically mixes and matches tags and named grammar forms. In this case the tags are 'IMPORT', 'IMPORT_AS', 'IMPORT_FROM' as replaced in's identifierToken. The other parts of those strings are just other named grammar forms (ImportsList, OptComma, Identifier, etc.).

The structure builds up through references to other grammar forms and functions that create and return data structures, like -> new Import $2. $n variables are just references to the nth word in the string.

This process leads to an AST that is passed to the Import class defined in

Off the top of my head this should look as follows:

# import 'foo' will yield something like:

new Import(Value { value: 'foo' })

# import { foo } from 'foo' will yield something like:

new Import(Value { value: 'foo' }, ImportsList { .... })

You can look at this AST quite easily by just prepending a console.log before calling new Import:

Import: [
  o 'IMPORT String',                          -> console.log($2); new Import $2
  o 'IMPORT ImportClause IMPORT_FROM String', -> console.log($4, $2); new Import $4, $2

Taking the AST from, the classes in are supposed to create tupels of "code" through @makeCode and compileNode functions. I'm not entirely clear on this part yet, but each node is compiled to a string by calling compileNode or compileToFragments. What Import.compileNode basically does is just look at the AST and either return an array of strings passed through @makdeCode directly OR it calls the token's compileNode function.

This part is a bit of magic for me still, as there function names and processes don't line up with my way of thinking it seems.

ES2013 Compliance:

ES2015 compliance: