I wanted a curses-style fullscreen application framework that could be powered by React.
This repo is organized as a pnpm workspace. The main library is in packages/core
, and the demo code is in apps/demo
. There are also React and Preact renderers.
pnpm demo components
pnpm demo colors
pnpm demo inputs.ts
I'll use TypeScript's JSX support here, if you want to use something else go ahead.
"include": ["./"],
"exclude": [".dist/"],
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext",
"module": "commonjs",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"declaration": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"strict": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"noImplicitAny": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"allowJs": true,
"outDir": ".dist",
"jsx": "react"
pnpm install @teaui/core @teaui/react react @types/react
import React, {useReducer} from 'react'
import {interceptConsoleLog} from '@teaui/core'
import {
} from '@teaui/react'
// Recommended:
function App() {
const [bang, goto10] = useReducer((state) => state + '!', '')
return (
<Box border="single">
First there was Ncurses{bang}
<Button onClick={goto10}>Tell me more!</Button>
run(<App />)
pnpm tsc
node .dist/index.js
import {Screen, Box, Stack, Text, Button, interceptConsoleLog} from '@teaui/core'
// Recommended:
// While the terminal is in full screen mode, you probably don't want to log
// debug info to stdout - it will appear wherever the cursor happens to be,
// and will clobber your output. You can mount the <ConsoleLog /> to view logs,
// otherwise when you exit (Ctrl-C) the logs will be flushed to stdout.
new Box({
border: 'single',
children: [
new Text({text: 'Why is it called TeaUI?'}),
new Button({title: 'Tell me!'}),
Rather than including depencies like a reasonable person, I copied the code I
needed (and their licenses, of course). I put these dependencies in as
so they still get the npm backlinks. I'm not stuck on
having a zero-dependencies package, it's just how I did it. Let me know what you
think in the comments section.
get-east-asian-width is a much newer package, and sindresorhus is a prolific writer of terminal-related code, so switching to that seems like a good idea. YAGNI for now, but it's on the list.
Blessed is a very powerful library, but I'm not using ~80-90% of it. All I really need is goto XY, writeChar, flush along with the code that sets up raw-mode, mouse-events, resize events, etc. termbox2 maybe?