A Free Software driver for OSVR that provides support for the HTC Vive headset without the need of proprietary software dependencies. Vive Libre is based on OpenHMD's Vive driver, LighthouseRedox and ouvrt and was developed at Collabora R&D.
Currently Vive Libre provides basic IMU tracking support via the OSVR API. Lighthouse external tracking is WIP. Our efforts at analysing the Lighthouse signal can be found at vive-libre-analysis-and-data
OSVR Vive Libre is available on the Arch User Repository. (AUR: osvr-vive-libre-git).
OSVR-Vive-Libre requires OSVR-Core, Eigen, OpenCV, jsoncpp, zlib and hidapi-libusb to be compiled.
Optional dependencies for testing are OSVR-Tracker-Viewer and OSVR-RenderManager.
We use CMake
$ cmake .
$ make
A tool to dump Vive raw sensor and config data, and send commands to the device.
$ vivectl -h
You can run the OSVR Server with the provided config files or you can copy the file from /usr/share/osvrcore/sample-configs/
and edit it for your needs, like monitor settings.
Starting the OSVR server
$ osvr_server osvr_server_config.vive_libre.sample.json
Now you can see if the tacking works with the OSVR-Tracker-Viewer. (AUR: osvr-tracker-viewer-git)
$ OSVRTrackerView
You can also check out the OSVR-RenderManager demos. (AUR: osvr-rendermanager-git)
$ RenderManagerOpenGLExample
Vive Libre is licensed under the LGPLv3+.