My name is Collin and I’m a software engineer that has spent the last decade in development, analysis, and consulting roles across retail, automotive, oil, and other industries. I’ve also been involved in a few startups during that time.
In college I spent hundreds of hours watching Channel9 videos. People such as Charles, Erik Meijer, Anders Hejlsberg, and Bart De Smet had a huge impact on me and were a contributing reason to switch from engineering to computer science.
Away from work I enjoy spending time with my wife of almost 9 years, three-year-old boy, two-year-old girl, and two-and-a-half-year-old nephew. I am also pursuing a master's degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech at night.
I value authenticity, genuinely love people and will be friends with most anyone, and I believe that respect bridges personalities and backgrounds. I deeply value the individual, and will get behind and push if someone needs my help.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on the backend of
- 🌱 I’m a bit of a learning butterfly, but what I’ve been digging into most recently is Machine Learning, high performance algorithms, and Kubernetes.
- 💬 Ask me about pretty much anything. I like meeting new people and hearing about their lives, and what makes them tick.
- ⚡ Fun facts: I’m first-gen American thanks to my dad. I love this country 🇺🇸, and I also love my roots from South Africa 🇿🇦. I also play the bass 🎸.
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter | LinkedIn