- go version:
- Chain ID:
- tgrade version:
- Staking, Fee token:
- Min Fee:
- Date Deployed:
The genesis file is here.
Here we list all explorers, APIs, and apps you can access with a browser:
- RPC - public RPC endpoint
- API - public Rest API endpoint
- Aneka Block-Explorer - block explorer
- MintScan Block-Explorer - block explorer
You can see the live network via our Aneka block explorer and/or MintScan Block-Explorer
When you are ready to build a node, follow the instructions below:
For running a tgrade validator. We tested successfully with the following Architecture:
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- go version 1.18.1 [1] or newer
- Installed packages make and build-essential [2] [3]
- 2 or more CPU cores Intel or AMD chipset
- At least 40GB of disk storage
- At least 4GB of memory (RAM)
Ref -
[1] https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Ubuntu
[2] https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/make
[3] https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/build-essential
You can use a physical infrastructure (baremetal) or wellknown cloud providers like: DigitalOcean, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, among others
The tgrade binary is the backbone of the platform.
It is both blockchain node and interaction client. Therefore we use git to clone tgrade repo into our running validator
git clone https://github.com/confio/tgrade
cd tgrade
git checkout v1.0.1
Run GO install and build for the upcoming binary
make build
Move the binary to an executable path
sudo mv build/tgrade /usr/local/bin
Initialize your genesis and configuration files for all validators nodes
tgrade init [moniker] [flags]
tgrade init my-validator --chain-id tgrade-mainnet-1 --home /opt/validator/.tgrade
We already have assigned the genesis validators for the blockchain. But if would like to join you are free to do. Therefore, this is the step to create or import your key to be used for your validator
tgrade keys add <name> [flags]
# or
tgrade keys add <name> --recover
tgrade keys add my-validator --recover --home /opt/validator/.tgrade
Into the mnemonic(s) used for your tgrade address
Please edit the config/app.toml
and config/config.toml
- app.toml: set minimum-gas-prices
minimum-gas-prices = "0.05utgd"
- config.toml: set persistent_peers and other suggested changes
moniker = "<your validator name>"
seeds = "[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656"
persistent_peers = "[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656"
This is Optional, we have 2 volunteers as persistent peers to reach different regions around the world:
- Singapre:
[email protected]:26656
- US, VA:
[email protected]:26656
Get the genesis file and moved to the right location
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/confio/tgrade-networks/main/mainnet-1/config/genesis.json -O ~/.tgrade/config/genesis.json
( this will be the case if the APP Home directory is ~/.tgrade , please change it accordingly to your system/validator)
There are different ways to manage the tgrade binary on your validator,
- Setting up such binary to be managed by systemd, or
- Open a tmux or screen session and run tgrade start
The syntax is:
tgrade start --rpc.laddr tcp:// --home /opt/validator/.tgrade
( this will be the case if the APP Home directory is /opt/validator/.tgrade , please change it accordingly to your system/validator)
Once your validator is in sync with the current height and blockchain_db, you can upgrade to be an active validator in the blockchain.
If you don't have engagement points previosly assigned, It is possible to earn engagement points in the following ways:
- Blog article about Tgrade/Proof-of-Engagement
- Video about the project
- Infographics on Tgrade
- Translation of documents
- Writing documentation - Technical
- Writing documentation - Business
- Podcast about the project
- Proposal for project governance
- Validator operation
- Community Management
- And anything else you think could be helpful. The application form is here.
If you need tokens for your validator, you can swap ATOMs, OSMOs, USDCs, and more to TGDs in the Osmosis Platform.
When the above conditions are completed, you run the following command syntax:
tgrade tx poe create-validator \
--amount 0utgd \
--vesting-amount 285000000000utgd \
--from <validator-address> \
--pubkey $(sudo tgrade tendermint show-validator --home /opt/validator/.tgrade) \
--chain-id tgrade-mainnet-1 \
--moniker "<your-validator-name>" \
--fees 200000utgd \
--gas auto \
--gas-adjustment 1.4 \
--node https://rpc.mainnet-1.tgrade.confio.run:443 \
--home /opt/validator/.tgrade
Wait for a few blocks to be validate and your validator will appears as active in the block-explorer: https://tgrade.aneka.io or https://www.mintscan.io/tgrade
If you want to delegate an amount of liquid and/or vesting coins from your wallet to your validator:
tgrade tx poe self-delegate 100000000utgd 900000000utgd \
--from <validator-address> \
--gas auto \
--gas-adjustment 1.4 \
--chain-id tgrade-mainnet-1 \
--fees 15420utgd \
--node https://rpc.mainnet-1.tgrade.confio.run:443 \
--home /opt/validator/.tgrade