yarn install
yarn playwright install --with-deps
This stores your local credentials
yarn get-tests
For local testing, make sure your front-end/backend servers are running and accessible, then:
- Ensure you do NOT specify a proxy in your .env file (put an empty value: "")
- Make sure your .env's BASE_URL is pointed to the local front-end server "https://stage.foo.redhat.com:1337"
Note: For Ethel, your user will require the following skus: MCT4022,MCT3718,MCT3695,ES0113909
For local stage testing, make sure the following:
- PROXY must be set correctly in your .env file.
- Make sure your .env's BASE_URL is pointed to the targeted env, if targeting PROD, the proxy is not needed.
Note: For Ethel, your user will require the following skus: MCT4022,MCT3718,MCT3695,ES0113909
yarn playwright test
yarn playwright test UI/CreateCustomRepo.spec.ts