Collection of groovy and python scripts used for analysis and evaluation of predicting HPO and MPO phenotypes from GO functions for mouse and human
pheno2go.txt - Correspondence of Phenotype and GO classes extracted using logical definitions in PhenomeNET ontology
rules.txt - Set of generated rules for regulatory phenotypes and abnormalities of biological processes. Includes inconsistency checking rules
rules_prop.txt - Set of generated rules for regulatory phenotypes and abnormalities of biological processes propagated using GO structure. Includes inconsistency checking rules
Pheno2GO.groovy - groovy script which is used to parse logical definitions of Phenotype classes and extract GO correspondent class
InferPhenos.groovy - script for finding regulation classes and annotation rules
HumanAnnotations.groovy, MouseAnnotations.groovy - scripts for preparing annotation files for mouse and human
SimGDPairwise.groovy, SimPPIPairwise.groovy - for computing semantic similarity between sets of phenotypes for gene-disease and protein-protein interaction predictions
Evaluate.groovy - script for comparing predictions with manual annotations
- - script which is used to compute performance of predictions
- - for generating DeepGO annotations