Ansible playbook.
Starts new ec2 instance. Configure it as Selenium Selenoid Server. Saves instance address to ./hosts/. And finaly terminate.
Might be useful as ec2 Selenium Selenoid Servers provider for some sort of CI, testing platforms and so on.
for example
- Start instance
- Run your rest suite with started host
- Terminate instance
Ansible, Boto, Boto3, AWS-CLI, ec2 role with ability to manage ec2(via role asigned to instance or in ~/.aws/credential)... all things needed to start ec2 via aws-cli.
build_tag - tag unique for 1 build/instance, using to start/stop particular instance
suite_tag - tag unique for 1 build-suite, using to start/stop all instances of build-suite
use_public_ip - 'false' by default
ansible-playbook playbook-start.yml --extra-vars "suite_tag=ignite2 build_tag=build123"
ansible-playbook playbook-stop.yml --extra-vars "suite_tag=ignite2 build_tag=build123"
ansible-playbook playbook-stop-suite.yml --extra-vars "suite_tag=ignite2"
ansible-playbook playbook-stop-all.yml
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=tag:Playbook,Values=selenoid-test Name=instance-state-code,Values=16