Simpler media queries using maps in SASS.
Maps are REALLY REALLY cool, and they can save you a lot of time.
Using a map like this, you can build out all our media query mixins:
// Breakpoints, from smallest to biggest
$breakpointMap: (
//size-name //min-breakpoint //columns //gutter
xSmall: (280px, 4, 30px),
small: (480px, 4, 30px),
medium: (750px, 8, 30px),
large: (960px, 12, 30px),
xLarge: (1024px, 12, 30px)
Name them whatever you want, but make them go from smallest to largest. (I will try to fix that later).
@include media($size: xSmall, $modifier: up) {
color: #fff;
$size - would be the name of the sizes
up - mobile first
only - for only that breakpoint
down - desktop first
Sass "~>3.3.0"
If you plan on using Compass, you must use the most recent version: Compass "~>1.0.0.alpha.20"
To install the alpha, use: sudo gem install compass --pre