Cosmos Metamask Snap aims to add full support of Metamask, a highly popular Ethereum wallet, to all Cosmos SDK blockchains, potentially opening the door to over 30 million Ethereum users and stimulating growth for every project in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Please note, to develop this Metamask Snap you need to use Metamask Flask, a canary distribution for developers that provides access to upcoming features within Metamask.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please have a look at the contribution guidelines first.
yarn install
cd packages/snap
yarn start
yarn install
cd packages/ui
yarn run dev
// Check if the Snap is installed
let result = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'wallet_getSnaps' });
const installed = Object.keys(result).includes("npm:@cosmsnap/snap");
// Install Snap
if (!installed) {
const result = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_requestSnaps',
params: {
'npm:@cosmsnap/snap': {
version: '^0.1.0',
// Initialize the Snap with default chains
await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'initialize',
// Boolean is returned
const initialized = await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'initialized',
This Snap has default support for coin types 118, 564, 459, 529, 330, 494, 639, 483, 4444, 701, 990, 394, 852, 7777777, 880, 931, 371, 370, 505, 234, 5555
. All the coin types within the chain registry except for coin type 60 (Ethermint, which is already supported in standard MetaMask). If you need any other please add an issue to the repo here and we will gladly add it.
Chain info is structured like in the chain registry (i.e Agoric)
// chainInfo should be structured like this
await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'addChain',
params: {
chain_info: JSON.stringify(chainInfo),
const chains = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'getChains'
const chain = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'deleteChain',
params: {
chain_id: 'cosmoshub-4',
const msgs = [
typeUrl: "/",
value: {
fromAddress: senderAddress,
toAddress: recipientAddress,
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500000"
const fees = {
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500"
gas: "200000"
const address = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'transact',
params: {
chain_id: 'cosmoshub-4',
msgs: JSON.stringify(msgs),
// Optional: Uses default fees for chain if not specified
fees: JSON.stringify(fees)
This will sign the transaction and return the transaction bytes. NOTE: This does not broadcast the transaction.
const msgs = [
typeUrl: "/",
value: {
fromAddress: senderAddress,
toAddress: recipientAddress,
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500000"
const fees = {
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500"
gas: "200000"
const address = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'signTx',
params: {
chain_id: 'cosmoshub-4',
msgs: JSON.stringify(msgs),
// Optional: Uses default fees for chain if not specified
fees: JSON.stringify(fees)
const address = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'addAddress',
params: {
chain_id: 'cosmoshub-4',
address: 'cosmos123456789',
name: 'John Cosmos'
const address = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'getAddresses'
const address = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'deleteAddress',
params: {
address: 'cosmos123456789'
const address = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'getChainAddress',
params: {
chain_id: 'cosmoshub-4',
const address = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: {
snapId: 'npm:@cosmsnap/snap',
request: {
method: 'getChainAddresses'