Base on the Collection of various pages from NomadNet_pages.
This script emulate a frame website with header, menu and footer. Page files can be written in micron and python. Come with example of a python dynamic page.
Come with a Messages Board and some small python games in the folder Games.
To add new games just copy the .mu file in Games and it's appear in Games Menu.
This repository contains a cms that can be hosted on a NomadNet Node. Copy All in the .nomadnet/storage/page
pip3 install pyyaml
chmod -Rf +x *
Change config folder in Configure config.yaml
Don't forget to start the python3 if you want people to send you message. and update message_board_peer = '' with the one give it to you by
Coming soon more modules and options.
Rss Reader module :
Demo on Nomadnet : 3e05f77a9f0dbfc124f230862153c9f9/page/