Dockerized StarCraft 2 Linux application.
Pull the latest image:
docker pull alkurbatov/sc2
Run the image:
docker run -p 8167:8167 alkurbatov/sc2
Full list of supported command line options described here.
Connect to the game.
Example code for the C++ API can be found here.
To change the listening port, e.g. to 8888:
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 sc2 -port 8888
To run with enabled software rendering:
docker run -it --rm -p 8167:8167 sc2 -port 8167 -osmesapath
To run with enabled hardware rendering:
docker run -it --rm -p 8167:8167 sc2 -port 8167 -eglpath
Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Alexander Kurbatov
Licensed under the MIT license.