I wanted to use a password manager where the user, You, are in charge of their data. So i made one. Instead of having one ecryption key for all users.
This CLI program uses unqiue keys for everyone which is stored on your own PC.
You need Node.js and ts-node installed.
Step 1 - Change your working directory to the project's
Step 2 - Run npm i
Step 3 - Rename .env.example
to .env
in the source folder and add the conection string to your mongo db server
Step 4 - Run ts-node tests/index.ts
Those software don't make you the power user. They have a centralized system which means 1 leak is resulting in leak of all user data. Whereas my open source software gives u full control of the core, has unique encryption keys for everyone , and stores data in user provided databases ensuring a leak doesn't compromise everyone