The CLI interface for crater
Searches for packages matching a specified term across all available known package sources
crater search emacs
Lists all available packages through known package sources
crater list
installs specified packages through available known package sources
crater install git emacs steam
Uninstalls specified packages through the appropriate package sources
crater uninstall btop steam
Updates all (or specified) packages through the appropriate available package sources
crater update emacs steam
crater update
For a list of supported commands, use one of the following:
crater help
crater --help
crater -h
For more information about the available commands, refer to the manpage.
man crater
There are at least two ways to install crater.
# Clone project to the local workspace
git clone crater-cli
# Switch to the project directory
cd crater-cli
# Install with `make`
make install
Simply execute the below command in a terminal and the rest should be automatic.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl"
OR, the shorter one shown below:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl"
crater can be used to "fetch" (install) packages with a single command, without even installing crater. The only requirement for this is curl.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl" _ btop
OR, you can use the shorter version:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl" _ btop
The above example would install "btop" without installing crater on the system.
Crater has been written entirely as a shell script, and that helps keep it as lightweight as possible with almost no external dependency except curl and also makes it available on almost all UNIX-like platforms.
More documentation coming soon...