Boost provides
to provide a type-checked discriminated union type.
This library provides a simple variant
type similar in concept to
, that works in CUDA, for use in GPU code as well as
CPU code.
This type is not as fully featured as boost::variant
: it does not
support recursive variants, nor does it support variants of references.
However, it does support variants of non-POD data types, unlike C++03 unions.
s are accessed by means of functor classes that
overload operator()
for all types in the variant, and then are
applied using apply_visitor()
, as shown in the example. Compile-time
errors result from trying to visit variant
s with functors
that do not provide overloads for all types in the variant
. This is
an important safety benefit.
To extract a known type T
from a variant, use variant::get<T>
On the CPU, this will throw a std::runtime_exception
if the variant
currently contains a type other than T
On the GPU, if get<T>
fails at runtime, the program will be terminated -
it is treated as a catastrophic error.
This code has been tested on Linux, which NVCC 7.0 and g++ 4.8.
#include <variant/variant.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/copy.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
//Non-pod type
struct foo{
int o;
__host__ __device__
foo(int _o) : o(_o) {};
//Declare a variant type
typedef variant::variant<int, foo> my_variant;
//Accessing a variant type is done through a visitor functor.
//This provides type safety: at compile time you will get an
//error if you try to access a variant type by a functor.
//that does not know how to operate on all types which the
//variant may contain.
struct my_visitor {
__host__ __device__
int operator()(const int& i) const {
return i + 10;
__host__ __device__
int operator()(const foo& i) const {
return i.o + 20;
//A functor that applies the visitor
//This is just a convenience when using Thrust
struct extractor {
typedef int result_type;
__host__ __device__
int operator()(const my_variant& v) const {
//The actual access to the variant is done by
//calling apply_visitor, with two arguments:
//1. The static_visitor which operates on the variant
//2. The variant being accessed
return variant::apply_visitor(my_visitor(), v);
int main() {
//Make a vector of variants on the GPU
thrust::device_vector<my_variant> x(2);
//Initialize their elements
x[0] = 1;
x[1] = foo(2);
thrust::device_vector<int> y(2);
//Visit the vector on the GPU
thrust::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), extractor());
std::ostream_iterator<int> os(std::cout, " ");
std::cout << "GPU result : ";
thrust::copy(y.begin(), y.end(), os);
std::cout << std::endl;
thrust::host_vector<my_variant> h_x = x;
thrust::host_vector<int> h_y(2);
//Visit the vector on the CPU
thrust::transform(h_x.begin(), h_x.end(), h_y.begin(), extractor());
std::cout << "CPU result : ";
thrust::copy(h_y.begin(), h_y.end(), os);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Truth : 11 22" << std::endl;