Today I learned something that...
- doesn't require a longer writeup
- doesn't belong in its own repo
- isn't something I would use to develop a script
Currently, the collection is composed mostly of system administration tasks. I hope that this collection evolves to include more data science TIL's.
- ag - Building From Source
- ag - Search for File Extension
- ag - Search for String Within a File
- bash - Bash realpath Function
- bash - sudo Within Bash Scripts
- find - Remove Files Based on Datetime
- kerberos
- less - Less Instead of Tail
- ripgrep - Search Examples
- sh - Shell Scripting Cheatsheet
- ssh - SSH Config
- tesseract - Extract Text From a PNG
- trap - Trap and Cleanup Shell Script
- tree - Tree Replacement
- xml - Format XML In-Place
- cURL and Certificates
- Custom Certificate
- Excel Compare
- Flash
- HTML5 Presentations
- Homebrew - Check If a Package Is Installed
- Homebrew and Conda Certificates
- Markdown Within Outlook
- Unmount Disk
- Under construction 👷 🚧
I previously used an amalgam of private gists, text files, and (yes) post-it notes to manage these types of small writeups. Putting everything into is own repo was inspired by (and copied from)
© 2016 Curtis Alexander
This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.