Simple Telegram Bot to listen and reply to messages containing ID pattern
Open Telegram App:
- Make sure you have the Telegram app installed and you're logged in.
Find BotFather:
- Search for BotFather in the search bar and start a chat with it. BotFather is an official bot that helps you create and manage your bots.
Create a New Bot:
- Type
and follow the instructions. - Provide a name for your bot (e.g., MyAwesomeBot).
- Choose a unique username for your bot (must end with bot, e.g., MyAwesomeBot_bot).
- Type
Get Your API Token:
- After creating the bot, BotFather will give you a token (a string of characters).
- Save this token; you'll need it to authenticate and control your bot.
Install the python-telegram-bot
library using pip:
pip install python-telegram-bot