fabricjs-psbrush is a lightweight pressure-sensitive brush implementation for Fabric.js v3.x and v4.x.
fabricjs-psbrush は Fabric.js v3.x および v4.x 用の軽量な感圧ブラシの実装です。
- npm package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@arch-inc/fabricjs-psbrush
- API document: https://arch-inc.github.io/fabricjs-psbrush/api/globals.html
- Demo site: https://arch-inc.github.io/fabricjs-psbrush/
<canvas id="main" width="720" height="480"></canvas>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/3.6.2/fabric.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@arch-inc/fabricjs-psbrush@latest/dist/index.js"></script>
// Create a Fabric.js canvas
let canvas = new fabric.Canvas(document.getElementById("main"), {
isDrawingMode: true,
enablePointerEvents: true
// Initialize a brush
let brush = new fabric.PSBrush(canvas);
canvas.freeDrawingBrush = brush;
// Set some options...
brush.width = 10;
brush.color = "#000";
brush.pressureManager.fallback = 0.3; // fallback value for mouse and touch events
If you use Webpack
or other similar solutions, simply install the npm package and start using it.
TypeScript definitions are available by default. (e.g., PSBrush.d.ts)
等を使っている場合は npm install
npm i @arch-inc/fabricjs-psbrush
import { PSBrush } from "@arch-inc/fabricjs-psbrush"
All of the exported classes and interfaces are listed in TypeDoc.
For instance, PSBrush
can be constructed by new PSBrush(canvas)
and its instance has various properties including color
, opacity
, width
, simplifyTolerance
, pressureCoeff
etc. Use of these properties can be observed in Griffith Sketch, a web-based lightweight tool for sketching ideas.
Please note that PSBrush
and PSStroke
classes are listed as variables and their fields are defined separately as PSBrushIface
and PSStrokeIface
. This is because Fabric.js requires all relevant classes to be defined through its fabric.util.createClass
helper function.
このモジュールが export しているすべてのクラスとインタフェースは TypeDoc で閲覧できます。
例えば PSBrush
クラスは new PSBrush(canvas)
でインスタンス化でき、 さまざまなプロパティ (color
, opacity
, width
, simplifyTolerance
, pressureCoeff
など)を持っています。これらのプロパティの実際の利用例は、アイデアスケッチ作成用のWebサービス Griffith Sketch で確認できます。
なお、 PSBrush
と PSStroke
は実際にはクラスですが変数 (Variables) としてリストアップされ、メンバー変数は PSBrushIface
と PSStrokeIface
という別のインタフェースで定義されています。これは Fabric.js 本体がクラス定義を fabric.util.createClass
- Jun Kato, core algorithm developer
- Kenta Hara, developer
- See the full list of contributors here
Except for the dependency for Fabric.js, this library contains a TypeScript port of Simplify.js, a high-performance JS polyline simplification library.
Fabric.js の他にパス単純化のためのライブラリ Simplify.js をTypeScriptで書き直して利用しています。
We have developed this extension in collaboration with the core developers of Fabric.js and relevant information can be found in their issue tracker.
Twitter @ArchResearchJp で連絡がつきます。 Fabric.js 本家の issue でも活動しています。
- Demo site: GitHub Pages accompanied with this library
- Griffith Sketch: a web-based lightweight tool for sketching ideas.
Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Arch Inc. (Jun Kato, Kenta Hara)