Speak Translate To Text
$ cd speaT
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $
(env) $ sudo apt-get install sox
The Whisper project can be found here: https://github.com/openai/whisper
(env) $ python -m pip install -U pip
(env) $ pip install -U openai-whisper
(env) $ pip install setuptools-rust
(env) $ mkdir sounds
(env) $ mkdir whispers
Now the Whisper is ready to be used.
When you run the whisper, it will automatically download the needed model, if it had not been downloaded, to ~/.cache/whisper
folder, or to $XDG_CACHE_HOME
Here I show which models worked for me: ❌tiny, ✅base, ✅small, ❌medium, ❓large
# create a record of a short sentence in English using your connected microphone
(env) $ rec -r 44100 -c 1 -b 16 ./sounds/output.wav silence 1 0.1 5% 1 1.2 10%
# now translate your recorded voice
(env) $ whisper ./sounds/output.wav --language en --model small --output_dir ./whispers | grep -oP "(?<=\[.{23}\] ).+"
You can see the translated text on your screen.
Just for the record about rec
. You can run it continuously, it will stop recording after the silent time limit was reached and then it starts a new record with a new file:
(env) $ rec -r 44100 -c 1 -b 16 ./sounds/output.wav silence 1 0.1 5% 1 1.2 10% : newfile : restart
(env) $ ./speaT.sh
After you started the application, you can see a timer running on the left side of the screen. It is waiting for your voice in the microphone. If you start to talk, a horizontal gauge will indicate that it received it.
Record will stop if the first stop condition is met:
- stop to talk for 1.5 seconds (configurable)
- talk is longer than 10 seconds\
After the record stopped, the Whisper tries to translate the generated audio file. It takes about 20 seconds. The translated text will appear on your screen, and the application goes back to listen to you.
(env) $ ./speaT.sh 2>/div/null
If you redirect all error outputs to the /dev/null and you have already redirected all information messages to the error output in the shell script ($ECHO_TO
), then only the translations will be shown on your screen.
the language code, you will speak. It can be for exampleen
default value:en
the language model, you want to use for speak to text
default value:small
the max length of the recorded audio file in seconds
default value:10
the duration of the sound in second which will trigger the sound record
default value:0.1
the level of the noise which will taken as a sound
default value:5%
the duration of the silent which will be taken as a trigger to stop the record
default value:1.5
the level of the noise which will be taken as a silent
default value:10%
the extention of the generated sound files
default value:wav
the folder where the sound files will be stored
default value:./sounds
the folder where the whisper files will be stored
default value:./whispers
the number of the output where you want to redirect the script informaton-messages. 1->standard output, 2->error output default value:2