Releases: danielgerlag/workflow-core
What's Changed
- #1270 Fixed list items deserialization duplication by @michalkrzych in #1271
- fix typo in PersistanceFactory by @Revazashvili in #1267
- Update correct workflow name for Sample09s by @AngrySKL in #1254
- Bump System.Data.SqlClient from 4.8.5 to 4.8.6 in /src/providers/WorkflowCore.QueueProviders.SqlServer by @dependabot in #1228
- Bump MongoDB.Driver from 2.8.1 to 2.19.0 in /src/providers/WorkflowCore.Persistence.MongoDB by @dependabot in #1147
- Added CosmosClientOptions to UseCosmosDbPersistence method and CosmosClientFactory constructor by @afroze9 in #1062
- Fix typo on Redis providers readme by @tvdias in #1282
- Feat update rabbitmq by @JoaquimInGit in #1286
- Fix morenullrefs in workflow activity by @jakenuts in #1281
- Oracle persistance provider by @cjundt in #1148
- added a type resolver to be replaced by another implementation later. by @rapmue in #1166
- Bump Npgsql from 5.0.14 to 5.0.18 in /src/providers/WorkflowCore.Persistence.PostgreSQL by @dependabot in #1288
New Contributors
- @michalkrzych made their first contribution in #1271
- @Revazashvili made their first contribution in #1267
- @AngrySKL made their first contribution in #1254
- @afroze9 made their first contribution in #1062
- @tvdias made their first contribution in #1282
- @JoaquimInGit made their first contribution in #1286
- @cjundt made their first contribution in #1148
Full Changelog: v3.10.0...v3.11.0
What's Changed
- Bump System.Linq.Dynamic.Core from 1.2.13 to 1.3.0 in /src/WorkflowCore.DSL by @dependabot in #1182
- Bump MongoDB.Driver from 2.8.1 to 2.19.0 in /test/WorkflowCore.Tests.MongoDB by @dependabot in #1146
- Fixed usage of null WorkflowStep.Name in WorkflowActivity diagnostic service. by @jakenuts in #1198
- the names of the fields in the logs have been changed by @pashtetus1 in #1073
- Upgrade to net8 and EF8 by @wallyrion in #1215
New Contributors
- @jakenuts made their first contribution in #1198
- @pashtetus1 made their first contribution in #1073
- @wallyrion made their first contribution in #1215
Full Changelog: 3.9.0...v3.10.0
Merge pull request #1108 from danielgerlag/dependabot/nuget/src/provi…
Workflow Core 3.6.0
Scheduled Commands
Introduces the ability to schedule delayed commands to process a workflow or event, by persisting them to storage.
This is the first step toward removing constant polling of the DB. It also filters out duplicate work items on the queue which is the current problem the greylist tries to solve.
Initial implementation is supported by MongoDb, SQL Server, PostgeSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
Additional support from the other persistence providers to follow.
Workflow Core 3.4.0
Execute Workflow Middleware
These middleware get run after each workflow execution and can be used to perform additional actions or build metrics/statistics for all workflows in your app.
The following example illustrates how you can use a execute workflow middleware to build prometheus metrics.
Note that you use WorkflowMiddlewarePhase.ExecuteWorkflow
to specify that it runs after each workflow execution.
Important: You should call next
as part of the workflow middleware to ensure that the next workflow in the chain runs.
public class MetricsMiddleware : IWorkflowMiddleware
private readonly ConcurrentHashSet<string>() _suspendedWorkflows =
new ConcurrentHashSet<string>();
private readonly Counter _completed;
private readonly Counter _suspended;
public MetricsMiddleware()
_completed = Prometheus.Metrics.CreateCounter(
"workflow_completed", "Workflow completed");
_suspended = Prometheus.Metrics.CreateCounter(
"workflow_suspended", "Workflow suspended");
public WorkflowMiddlewarePhase Phase =>
public Task HandleAsync(
WorkflowInstance workflow,
WorkflowDelegate next)
switch (workflow.Status)
case WorkflowStatus.Complete:
if (_suspendedWorkflows.TryRemove(workflow.Id))
case WorkflowStatus.Suspended:
return next();
Workflow Core 3.3.0
Workflow Middleware
Workflows can be extended with Middleware that run before/after workflows start/complete as well as around workflow steps to provide flexibility in implementing cross-cutting concerns such as log correlation, retries, and other use-cases.
This is done by implementing and registering IWorkflowMiddleware
for workflows or IWorkflowStepMiddleware
for steps.
Step Middleware
Step middleware lets you run additional code around the execution of a given step and alter its behavior. Implementing a step middleware should look familiar to anyone familiar with ASP.NET Core's middleware pipeline or HttpClient
's DelegatingHandler
First, create your own middleware class that implements IWorkflowStepMiddleware
. Here's an example of a middleware that adds workflow ID and step ID to the log correlation context of every workflow step in your app.
Important: You must make sure to call next()
as part of your middleware. If you do not do this, your step will never run.
public class LogCorrelationStepMiddleware : IWorkflowStepMiddleware
private readonly ILogger<LogCorrelationStepMiddleware> _log;
public LogCorrelationStepMiddleware(
ILogger<LogCorrelationStepMiddleware> log)
_log = log;
public async Task<ExecutionResult> HandleAsync(
IStepExecutionContext context,
IStepBody body,
WorkflowStepDelegate next)
var workflowId = context.Workflow.Id;
var stepId = context.Step.Id;
// Uses log scope to add a few attributes to the scope
using (_log.BeginScope("{@WorkflowId}", workflowId))
using (_log.BeginScope("{@StepId}", stepId))
// Calling next ensures step gets executed
return await next();
Here's another example of a middleware that uses the Polly dotnet resiliency library to implement retries on workflow steps based off a custom retry policy.
public class PollyRetryStepMiddleware : IWorkflowStepMiddleware
private const string StepContextKey = "WorkflowStepContext";
private const int MaxRetries = 3;
private readonly ILogger<PollyRetryStepMiddleware> _log;
public PollyRetryMiddleware(ILogger<PollyRetryStepMiddleware> log)
_log = log;
// Consult Polly's docs for more information on how to build
// retry policies:
public IAsyncPolicy<ExecutionResult> GetRetryPolicy() =>
(result, retryCount, context) =>
context[StepContextKey] as IStepExecutionContext)
public async Task<ExecutionResult> HandleAsync(
IStepExecutionContext context,
IStepBody body,
WorkflowStepDelegate next
return await GetRetryPolicy().ExecuteAsync(
ctx => next(),
// The step execution context gets passed down so that
// the step is accessible within the retry policy
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ StepContextKey, context }
private Task UpdateRetryCount(
Exception exception,
int retryCount,
IStepExecutionContext stepContext)
var stepInstance = stepContext.ExecutionPointer;
stepInstance.RetryCount = retryCount;
return Task.CompletedTask;
Pre/Post Workflow Middleware
Workflow middleware run either before a workflow starts or after a workflow completes and can be used to hook into the workflow lifecycle or alter the workflow itself before it is started.
Pre Workflow Middleware
These middleware get run before the workflow is started and can potentially alter properties on the WorkflowInstance
The following example illustrates setting the Description
property on the WorkflowInstance
using a middleware that interprets the data on the passed workflow. This is useful in cases where you want the description of the workflow to be derived from the data passed to the workflow.
Note that you use WorkflowMiddlewarePhase.PreWorkflow
to specify that it runs before the workflow starts.
Important: You should call next
as part of the workflow middleware to ensure that the next workflow in the chain runs.
// AddDescriptionWorkflowMiddleware.cs
public class AddDescriptionWorkflowMiddleware : IWorkflowMiddleware
public WorkflowMiddlewarePhase Phase =>
public Task HandleAsync(
WorkflowInstance workflow,
WorkflowDelegate next
if (workflow.Data is IDescriptiveWorkflowParams descriptiveParams)
workflow.Description = descriptiveParams.Description;
return next();
// IDescriptiveWorkflowParams.cs
public interface IDescriptiveWorkflowParams
string Description { get; }
// MyWorkflowParams.cs
public MyWorkflowParams : IDescriptiveWorkflowParams
public string Description => $"Run task '{TaskName}'";
public string TaskName { get; set; }
Exception Handling in Pre Workflow Middleware
Pre workflow middleware exception handling gets treated differently from post workflow middleware. Since the middleware runs before the workflow starts, any exceptions thrown within a pre workflow middleware will bubble up to the StartWorkflow
method and it is up to the caller of StartWorkflow
to handle the exception and act accordingly.
public async Task MyMethodThatStartsAWorkflow()
await host.StartWorkflow("HelloWorld", 1, null);
catch(Exception ex)
// Handle the exception appropriately
Post Workflow Middleware
These middleware get run after the workflow has completed and can be used to perform additional actions for all workflows in your app.
The following example illustrates how you can use a post workflow middleware to print a summary of the workflow to console.
Note that you use WorkflowMiddlewarePhase.PostWorkflow
to specify that it runs after the workflow completes.
Important: You should call next
as part of the workflow middleware to ensure that the next workflow in the chain runs.
public class PrintWorkflowSummaryMiddleware : IWorkflowMiddleware
private readonly ILogger<PrintWorkflowSummaryMiddleware> _log;
public PrintWorkflowSummaryMiddleware(
ILogger<PrintWorkflowSummaryMiddleware> log
_log = log;
public WorkflowMiddlewarePhase Phase =>
public Task HandleAsync(
WorkflowInstance workflow,
WorkflowDelegate next
if (!workflow.CompleteTime.HasValue)
return next();
var duration = workflow.CompleteTime.Value - workflow.CreateTime;
_log.LogInformation($@"Workflow {workflow.Description} completed in {duration:g}");
foreach (var step in workflow.ExecutionPointers)
var stepName = step.StepName;
var stepDuration = (step.EndTime - step.StartTime) ?? TimeSpan.Zero;
_log.LogInformation($" - Step {stepName} completed in {stepDuration:g}");
return next();
Exception Handling in Post Workflow Middleware
Post workflow middleware exception handling gets treated differently from pre workflow middleware. At the time that the workflow completes, your workflow has ran already so an uncaught exception would be difficult to act on.
By default, if a workflow middleware throws an exception, it will be logged and the workflow will complete as normal. This behavior can be changed, however.
To override the default post workflow error handling for all workflows in your app, just register a new IWorkflowMiddlewareErrorHandler
in the dependency injection framework with your custom behavior as follows.
// CustomMiddlewareErrorHandler.cs
public class CustomHandler : IWorkflowMiddlewareErrorHandler
public Task HandleAsync(Exception ex)
// Handle your error asynchronously
// Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Other workflow configuration
// Should go after .AddWorkflow()
services.AddTransient<IWorkflowMiddlewareErrorHandler, CustomHandler>();
Registering Middleware
In order for middleware to take effect, they must be registered with the built-in dependency injection framework using the convenience helpers.
Note: Middleware will be run in the order that they are registered with middleware that are registered earlier running earlier in the chain and finishing later in the chain. For pre/post workflow middleware, all pre middleware will be run before a workflow starts and all post middleware will be run after a workflow completes.