This repo hosts ROS packages working on Indigo version. This packages are needed to setup a CATKIN workspace and include all files needed for Pioneer 3 AT robot at ETSIDI-UPM university.
Pioneer 3 AT uses the following additional ROS packages showed up as git submodules:
rosaria: Interface with Aria library to control motors, battery and encoders. (See rosaria docs)
p2os(indigo-stable): package with some useful configurations for navigation and pioneer urdf models. (See p2os docs).
LMS1xx: Sick ROS drivers from ClearPath Robotics to use Sick LMS100 ethernet laser scanner. (See LMS1xx docs).
freenect_stack: For Kinect 1 XBOX 360, (See freenect_stack docs and freenect_launch docs).
depthimage_to_laserscan: Creates LaserScan data from depthimage devices such as kinect. (See depthimage_to_laserscan docs).
turtlebot_apps: Interactive implementations reused for P3AT robot such as "follower" demo. (See turtlebot docs).
Please, refer to de ROS Indigo installation page and follow the steps to install and set your ROS environment as well as updating rosdep tool.
Steps may change for each ROS version:
1.- $ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
2.- $ sudo rosdep init
3.- $ rosdep update
All theese files and directories should be placed at src/ directory in a catkin workspace. Follow steps in a terminal:
1.- $ catkin_init_workspace catkin_ws
2.- $ cd catkin_ws/src
3.- $ git clone --recursive .
4.- $ cd ~/catkin_ws
5.- $ rosdep install rosaria
6.- $ rosdep install freenect_launch
7.- $ catkin_make
This will compile all targets placed in you catkin src directory
You'll may also need ros navigation stack and gmapping:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-navigation
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gmapping
For turtlebot applications to compile and run:
$ rosdep install turtlebot
$ rosdep install turtlebot_teleop
This is the core of my work. pioneer_utils mainly adds some configuration specific parameters to keep all things working.
Odometry params calibrations used in rosaria.
Laser IP address.
Pioneer URDF model with Sick Laser and Kinect.
Navigation tweaks in costmaps, base and planners.
depthimage to scan configs (for low, medium and long range obstacles).
Gazebo settings and launch files with gazebo plugins and urdf model.
Maps used at ETSIDI-UPM Lab and in gazebo Willow Garage world.
RViz launch files with specific visualization configs.
And implements easy to use nodes:
Teleoperation node.
$ rosrun pioneer_utils teleop_p3at
Dead Reckoning node: Let robot move alone and making turns.
$ rosrun pioneer_utils moving_alone
nav-waypoints node (navigation_goals): Send global or local goals to navigation stack.
$ rosrun pioneer_utils nav-waypoints
endurance_test node: implements randomly navigation to a list of points
See launch file template:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils endurance_test.launch
List of points as map_locations.txt rosparam.
This repository is intended to be a simple method to setup and run everything needed to use Pioneer 3 AT.
After clonning this github repo in your catkin_ws src/ directory do the following:
$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Now run "roscore" and the nodes needed with the .launch file you'll find in src/ directory.
In your terminal run "roscore":
$ roscore
In other terminal, we'll bring up all drivers for hardware using kinect, laser Sick, and Rosaria with calibration config setup:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils pioneer3at-rosaria.launch
Now, you can start navigation stack with amcl like this:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils navigation_pioneer-3at.launch
Open a terminal and launch the follower:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils simple_follower.launch
If you want to guide your robot following you to build a map, run instead:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils gmapping-follower.launch
Open a terminal and launch the panorama:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils panorama-pioneer-3at.launch
Follow turtlebot's panorama wiki to know how to use this and take nice panorama pics. Also see turtlebot_panorama API.
Open a terminal and launch the follower:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils pioneer3at_gazebo_world.launch
If you want to do some navigation with Willow Garage's map type in other terminal:
$ roslaunch pioneer_utils pioneer3at_gazebo_world.launch