All of our smartcontract related code are located in the /eth
contains the smartcontract code written in solidity/eth/test
contains the test for the smartcontract written in Javascript
- Node (v14.x OR v16.x)
- Yarn (Javascript Package Manager)
Dark Forest is built and tested using Node.js v14/v16 and might not run properly on other Node.js versions. We recommend using NVM to switch between multiple Node.js version on your machine.
curl -o- | bash
nvm install
After the installation is finished, you can run node --version
to verify that you are running v14 or v16
Refer to Yarn's official documentation for the installation guide.
After you have Yarn installed, run yarn
to install dev dependencies:
To run the tests run yarn test
To deploy contracts locally, you'll need to run 2 commands:
- Start a node by running
yarn hardhat:node
- Then (in another terminal) deploy contracts by running
yarn hardhat:dev deploy --whitelist false
You can import the private key of one of the accounts hardhat node
created and funded, which are printed when you started the node such as:
Account #2: 0x3097403b64fe672467345bf159f4c9c5464bd89e (100 ETH)
Private Key: 0x67195c963ff445314e667112ab22f4a7404bad7f9746564eb409b9bb8c6aed32
Assuming you already have your contracts deployed be it on a local node or on a mainnet, you'll have the abi/DarkForest.json
address, and the block the diamond contract was initialized at (so you dont waste time syncing from the genesis block) inside the @darkforest_eth/contracts
packag. In development, the start block will be set at 0.
For TheGraph hosted service, you need to create an account on, and create a subgraph using the web interface and note the namespace yourloginname/graphname. Find the access token for this graph (it should be on the top row of the interface), and run
graph auth <ACCESS_TOKEN>
in your terminal.
Then put the contract addresses into the templates and codgen thegraph files
yarn subgraph:template:prod
Finally ask them to start the indexing
yarn subgraph:deploy:prod yourloginname/graphname
To run a local copy of thegraph make sure docker is installed and then run yarn start --subgraph df
OR if you already have your contracts deployed and running run yarn hardhat:dev subgraph:deploy --name df
and find your local hosted explorer at http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/df