This repository contains the Python functions and utilities required to interact with the functional data for the MICrONS project. The database containing this functional data is called nda
(short for neural data access).
For more on the MICrONS project please see: MICrONS Explorer
The current version of this repository and database is v8 (Semantic version: 0.8.0).
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Technical documentation on the functional data can be found on the MICrONS project website here.
Download the nda v8 database technical documentation, which includes a changelog from the v7 database here.
Separate from the data contained in the nda database, the MICrONS project website here contains technical docs and access instructions for:
- Raster- and motion-corrected functional scan tiffs.
- Raster- and motion-corrected two-photon structural stack tiff
- Stitched and temporally aligned stimuli for each scan
This package requires access to the functional database. To download the SQL database and the pre-built Docker access images start with the microns-nda-access
repo here.
Once inside your properly configured environment run the tutorials below:
Using DataJoint to Access Functional Data Tutorial
Matched Cell Functional Data Tutorial
nda.Scan: Information on completed scans. Cajal Pipeline: meso.ScanInfo
nda.ScanInclude: Scans determined suitable for analysis.
nda.Field: Individual fields of scans. Cajal Pipeline: meso.ScanInfo.Field
nda.RawManualPupil: Pupil traces for each scan from the left eye collected at ~20 Hz and semi-automatically segmented.
nda.ManualPupil: Manual pupil traces low-pass filtered with a hamming window to the scan frame rate and linearly interpolated to scan frame times.
nda.RawTreadmill: Cylindrical treadmill rostral-caudal position extracted with a rotary optical encoder at ~100Hz and converted into velocity.
nda.Treadmill: Treadmill velocities low-pass filtered with a hamming window to the scan frame rate then linearly interpolated to scan frame times.
nda.ScanTimes: Timestamps of scan frames in seconds relative to the start of the scan for the first pixel of the first imaging field.
nda.Stimulus: For each scan, contains the movie aligned to activity traces in nda.Activity
nda.Trial: Contains information for each trial of the movie in nda.Stimulus
. There are three types of trials, Clip
, Monet2
, and Trippy
. Each unique trial has its own condition_hash
. To get detailed information for each trial stimulus, join each condition_hash
according to its corresponding type in one of: nda.Clip
, nda.Monet2
, or nda.Trippy
nda.Clip: Detailed information for movie clips.
nda.Monet2: Detailed information for the Monet2 stimulus.
nda.Trippy: Detailed information for the Trippy stimulus.
nda.RasterCorrection: Raster phase correction applied to each scan field.
nda.MotionCorrection: Motion correction applied to each scan frame.
nda.MeanIntensity: Mean intensity of imaging field over time. Cajal Pipeline: meso.Quality.MeanIntensity
nda.SummaryImages: Reference images of the scan field. Cajal Pipeline: meso.SummaryImages
nda.Stack: High-res anatomical stack information. Cajal Pipeline: stack.CorrectedStack
nda.Registration: Parameters of the affine matrix learned for field registration into the stack. Cajal Pipeline: stack.Registration.Affine
nda.Coregistration: Coregistration transform solutions from the Allen Institute. em_coregistration
nda.Segmentation: CNMF segmentation of a field using CaImAn package ( It records the masks of all segmented cells. Mask_id's are unique per field. Cajal Pipeline: meso.Segmentation.Mask
nda.Fluorescence: Records the raw fluorescence traces for each segmented mask. Cajal Pipeline: meso.Fluorescence.Trace
nda.ScanUnit: Unit_id assignment that is unique across the entire scan. Includes info about each unit. Cajal Pipeline: meso.ScanSet.Unit / meso.ScanSet.UnitInfo
nda.UnitHash: Assigns hash and semantic string to each unique session - scan_idx - unit_id triplet.\
nda.Activity: Deconvolved spike trace from the fluorescence trace. Cajal Pipeline: meso.Activity.Trace
nda.StackUnit: Unit coordinates in stack reference frame after field registration. stack_x, stack_y, stack_z
should be used for transformation to EM space using Coregistration. meso.StackCoordinates.UnitInfo
nda.AreaMembership: Visual area labels for all units.
nda.MaskClassification: Classification of segmented masks into soma or artifact. Uses CaImAn package ( Cajal Pipeline: meso.MaskClassification.Type
nda.Oracle: Leave-one-out correlation for repeated videos in stimulus.
For more documentation see: Cajal Pipeline Documentation
Supported by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) via Department of Interior / Interior Business Center (DoI/IBC) contract number D16PC00003. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation thereon. Disclaimer: The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of IARPA, DoI/IBC, or the U.S. Government.