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WIKI - Get started with Unrealhx4Haxedeveop

This is meant as a help to get started working with Unreal.hx plugin for Unreal Engine 4.

Please note that Unreal.hx is written by Proletariatgames. You will find more information about it here : Also, please read the Unreal.hx Wiki!!

Check that you have the following installed and working correctly (Windows only):

  • Flashdevelop 5.xx or Haxedevelop 5.xx
  • Unreal Engine 4.16 / 4.17 - (Only 4.17 template exits for now)
  • Visual Studio 2015 - (Uses the C++ compiler)
  • Haxe 3.4.3 / 3.4.4 - Download here
  • Hxcpp 3.4.188 / 3.4.64 - ( haxelib install hxcpp )
  • Hxcs 3.4.0 - ( haxelib install hxcs )

Basic tutorial - Get started with Unreal Engine, Unreal.hx and Unreal4Haxedevelop:

  1. Understanding Unreal Engine
  2. Anatomy of a project
  3. How does Haxe fit in and how does Unreal.hx it work?
  4. Working with Unrealhx4Haxedevelop
  5. Create a level
  6. Add some actors
  7. Unreal-specific metadata
  8. Working with blueprints
  9. Create some interaction
  10. Using UMG widgets with haxe
  11. Some words about externs
  12. Troubleshooting