This repository contains codes, data, output, and figures associated with the Adiatma et al manuscript, submitted for publication to EPSL (Earth and Planetary Science Letters).
Repository structure:
- Data: isotopic measurement used in the analyses
- Figure: figures generated from jupyter notebook
- Scripts: python scripts to run mixing model
- output_from_unity: Diagenesis model output
Jupyter notebooks:
- Plot Data: Main stratigraphic and cross plots shwon in the main manuscripts and supplementary materials
- Plot Model: Notebook to reproduce modeling plots.
- Plot Aragontie - Calcite Mixing: Notebook to run the calcite - aragonite simple mixing model
- Plot Kinetics: Comparing Tang et al (2008) data
- TIMS Standards: SRM915a and SRM915b plot
- Sampling Bias: Generate syntethic datapoints to see if statistic results are skewed due to sampling bias