Professional Developer Profile Readme for Developers Template - Copy-paste-edit-publish, fork, and use it as you wish. This profile template offers a concise overview of your experience, qualifications, and online presence.
This profile offers a concise overview of my experience, qualifications, and online presence.
- Years of Experience: [Number] years (highlight notable companies)
- Education: [Highest Degree] ([University])
- H-index: [Value] The h-index is calculated by counting the number of publications for which an author has been cited by other authors at least that same number of times. For instance, an h-index of 17 means that the scientist has published at least 17 papers that have each been cited at least 17 times. According to Hirsch, a person with 20 years of research experience with an h-index of 20 is considered good, 40 is great, and 60 is remarkable.
- GitHub Followers: [Number] (dynamically updated)
- StackOverflow Reputation: [Number] (dynamically updated)
- Twitter Followers: [Number] (dynamically updated)
- Open Source Projects:
- Patents:
- Industry Certifications:
- [Certification 1]
- [Certification 2]
- Publications:
- Books:
- Other Publications:
- Blogging & Vlogging:
- Non-Profit Activities:
- [Organization] - Short role description
- Public Speaking:
- [Event Name]([Link to presentation if available])
- [Primary Skill 1]
- [Primary Skill 2]
- [Primary Skill 3]
- [And others...]
- Email: [email address removed]
- Twitter: @[Twitter Handle]
Important Notes:
- Consider adding a profile photo or a header image for visual appeal.
- Use clear and concise language throughout the README.
- For dynamically updated sections (like followers), there are tools available. A popular one is GitHub Readme Stats (