Enables page turning with the touch screen by emulatig hardware button presses
touch with 2 fingers, around 10-11cm apart to toggle between SwipeOnly, SwipeAndTouch or Disabled
swipe down to show the current time (by default UTC, timezone info needs to be set on the device, overwrite /etc/localtime)
when SwipeOnly:
swipe left/right to turn pages
swipe up to execute a hardcoded script ~/scripts/swipeup.sh
when SwipeAndTouch:
touch left/right 1/3 of the screen to turn pages (except upper and left 100 px where the toolbar usually is)
install the dev tools from remarkable
source /usr/local/oecore-x86_64/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi
ssh to the device
paste the following code
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ddvk/remarkable-touchgestures/master/install.sh -O- |sh
copy touch.service to /etc/systemd/system/
copy touchinjector to /home/root/
SSH to the device
systemctl start touch
systemctl enable touch (to enable on boot).
- fix/setup the CI
- add unit tests
- make it configurable
- framebuffer in C/libremarkable