Note: This is an old repo with old commit history. I have since squashed all commits to 1 single commit and started all over again from commit no. 1. Why? Well, in the past, I did rather many mistakes, and now it feels better to move all old history to another repo (namely this repo), and forget about it, and start from 1 again.
No one should eve commit to this repo. Instead, use:
That's the repo in which I start again from commit no. 1.
Debiki is an open source discussion platform for forums, blogs, embedded comments and simple websites. Read more, and see it live, at
Debiki is under development and there is currently no stable version or simple installation instructions.
You'll need to install Docker (see below), clone a Git repo, and run some scripts.
Clone another project, debiki-site-seed. In that project, this project is a submodule.
git clone
In the cloned repo:
git submodule update --init --recursive
(This clones this project (debiki-server
) to a subdirectoryserver/
.) -
Create a branch and fetch the latest changes in the
module:cd server git checkout master git pull origin master
Install Docker.
Create a Docker database container and import some contents. In
:./ `pwd`/../db-dumps/tiny-forum/
Start the database, Gulp and the server. In three separate shells, in
:./ ./ ./
The -dev-gulp and -dev-server Docker containers print messages about what you are to do next. (Namely running npm and Gulp
andgulp watch
, and start Play Framework and the server.) -
Once a green message "Server started ..." appears in the -dev-server container's shell, open your browser, go to http://localhost:9000/ and http://localhost:9000/-/admin/. It'll take a while before the pages load; some Scala files are being compiled.
Login as
[email protected]
, passwordpassword
A little problem: If you save two TypeScript/JavaScript files at the same time,
sometimes Gulp picks up the changes in only one of the files. What I do then,
once I've understood what has happened, is that I stop and restart gulp watch
Client: React.js, TypeScript, Bower, Gulp. Some old code uses LiveScript and AngularJS and jQuery.
Server: Scala and Play Framework. We render HTML server side by running React.js in Java 8's Nashorn Javascript engine.
Databases: PostgreSQL and ElasticSearch.
If you'd like to contribute, read more at the end of this page about contributing.
In the future, I suppose there will be a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), similar to Google's CLA — you'd open source your code and grant me a copyrigt license.
This project looks like so:
+-client/ <-- Javascript, CSS, React.js components
| +-app/ <-- Client side code
| +-server/ <-- React.js components rendered server side
| +-admin-app/ <-- The admin pages
| +...
+-app/ <-- Scala code — a Play Framework 2 app
| +-controllers/
| +-debiki/
| +-views/ <-- HTML (well, Play's Scala templates)
| +-debiki-dao-rdb/ <-- A database access object (DAO), for PostgreSQL
| +-debiki-tck-dao/ <-- Test suite for Database Access Object:s
| +-debiki-core/ <-- Code shared by the DAO and by the ./app/ code
| |
| ...Third party modules
+-public/ <-- Some images and libs, plus JS and CSS that Gulp
| has bundled and minified from the client/ dir above.
+-scripts/ <-- Utiity scripts
+-conf/ <-- Default config files that assume everything
| is installed on localohost
+-local/ <-- A softlink to a supposed parent Git repo (namely debiki-site-seed) with
website specific config files, which override the
default config files.
Please let me know if you want me to change from AGPL to GPL, contact info here:
Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Kaj Magnus Lindberg
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
vim: list