Allows you to expose your Dataverse data model as a website.
Add a # xxx to your entity description in order to group that entity in group xxx.
We use DefaultCredential to authenticate to Azure. So set the right profile in Visual Studio.
Add Generator/appsettings.local.json
as a file and paste your environment and solutions. Remember that the solutions must have the same publisher prefix.
"DataverseUrl": "",
"DataverseSolutionNames": "solutionuniquename,othersolution"
Remember to set the file to Copy If Newer
You can add a .env file to run this locally.
is the login password for the site.
is a key used to encrypt the session cookie. Generate one with openssl, found in Git Bash or as a download on the web.
openssl rand -base64 32
The pipeline expects a variable group called DataModel
. It must have the following variables
- AzureClientId: Client id for an Azure App Registration with access to the Dataverse Environment.
- AzureClientSecret: Client Secret for the above.
- AzureTenantId: Azure Tenant ID (where your App Regustration is placed and resource group will be placed).
- AzureServiceConnectionName: Name of the service connection created from ADO to Azure.
- AzureLocation: Location for the resource group in Azure.
- AzureResourceGroupName: Name of the Resource Group in Azure. If this matches an existing group in the location above that will be used for the DMV resources, if not a new resource group will be created.
- DataverseUrl: URL for the Dataverse environment which the data model will be based on.
- DataverseSolutionNames: Comma-seperated list of solutions to based DMV on.
- WebsitePassword: Password used by DMV users to login to the generated site.
- WebsiteSessionSecret: Key to encrypt the session token with (You can set it to whatever you like, but recommended 32 random characters).