This guide will give you a clear direction on how to deploy your smart contract, create react component and wire web3 package to push and pull the data onto/from blockchain.
if any queries / comments, feel free to raise an issue.
XDC Mainnet explorer - Apothem FAUCET - Apothem Blockchain explorer - XDCPay Wallet - NPM package - XDC Remix - Developer Forum - How to Articles - XDC Tools -
- Pre-requisites
- How it works
- How to deploy
- How to create a component
- How to steup a function to submit txn to Blockchain
- How to query data from blockchain
- How to query events
- nvm version 0.37.2
- npm version 7.24.0
- node version 16.10.0
- do seup XDCPay Chrome Extension in your chrome
- setup Hardhat (
- This project uses react-solidity-xdc3 npm package
- Copy down your contract in contract folder
- Update deplooyment script under scripts/ folder to refer your contract name
- Pass necessary constructor parameter if any
- If you have more than one contract to deploy, then refer those accordingly
- Pass your PRIVATE_KEY in .env to deploy your contract against specific network ( Apothem or Mainnet)
- After successfull deployment, copy down the output.json into App folder
- Go to App folder, creaet your component and call execute function for write, and queryData function for read
- PRIVATE_KEY(of your account) to migrate the contract
- do git clone & npm install
npm install
yarn deploy --network apothem
this will deploy the contract in apothem network and contract address will be stored in output.json
copy down this contract address in app folder, under same output.json
- After copying the contract address run react application using following command
yarn install
yarn start
this will start the application in http://localhost:3000
- When you click "Register" it writes the data onto blockchain
- When you click "Fetch", it pulls the data from blockchain
- Go to app/src/components/
- Clone "Sample" folder and name your components (Let's say - Flights)
- Rename new component Sample.js -> Flights.js
- Rename new component Sample.css -> Flights.css
- Update the app.js to have this Flights component
import Flights from './Flights/Flights';
- Create an instance for flight contract and abi
const flight = await createInstance(flightaddress, flightabi, provider);
flightabi, flightaddress to read from respective path
- Set the flight instance in ethereum context like below
setethereumContext({ provider, sample,flght, account })
- Update the app.js to have Flights component added under EthereumContext like below
<section className="App-content">
<EthereumContext.Provider value={ethereumContext}>
<Sample />
<Flights />
- Go to Flights.js file and implement this
- Create functions say - "registerFlights", "fetchFlight"
- Update "sample" reference to flight
- executeTxn() function expects four params "contractInstance,provider,functionName,[params separated by comma, leave if empty]"
- queryData() function also expects the same four params "contractInstance,provider,functionName,[params separated by comma,leave if empty] "
All Set, now you should be able to write data onto blockchain & read.