- Много книг по NLP (Natural Language Processing)
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing (University of Michigan)
- CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (Stanford, Winter 2017 videos)
- Deep Natural Language Processing (Oxford, 2017)
- A curated list of beginner resources in Natural Language Processing
- awesome-nlp – A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing
- Introduction to Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- Bag of Words Meets Bags of Popcorn – tutorial competition on Kaggle
- Embed, encode, attend, predict: The new deep learning formula for state-of-the-art NLP models
- Stanford's live demo for predicting the sentiment of movie reviews
- How to Write a Spelling Corrector
- Samsung Natural Language Processing Pipeline (basically for Russian language): morphology, dependency parser and much more
- Journal of Interesting Negative Results in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
- Where to get a pretrained model for word2vec