Python and C++ realization of NLP stack for Russian and English language. Includes:
- Sentence splitter
- Tokenizer
- Morphology disambiguation
- Dependency parser
- Stresser
- Inflector
- Name entity recognizer
- ...
- Ubuntu 14.04 or higher
- cmake version >= 2.8
- gcc version >= 4.8
- python version 2.7
- graphviz (to create .dot files for trees).
- okular (to visualize pdf files with trees).
- language-pack-ru-base (for Russian language support)
- cffi version >= 1.9
- sudo bash
- This script builds C++ part of application and puts libraries, execution files and configs to /opt/coda
- sudo bash -d
- This step is optional. The script builds C++ part of application and puts libraries and execution files to /opt/coda/debug
- bash
- This script installs Python wrapper .egg over C++ to corresponding site_packages folder)
Try: python Coda/python/
- content:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from coda.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from coda.disambiguator import Disambiguator
from coda.syntax_parser import SyntaxParser
if __name__ == '__main__':
tokenizer = Tokenizer("RU")
disambiguator = Disambiguator("RU")
syntax_parser = SyntaxParser("RU")
sentence = u'МИД пригрозил ограничить поездки американских дипломатов по России.'
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
disambiguated = disambiguator.disambiguate(tokens)
tree = syntax_parser.parse(disambiguated)
print tree.to_string()
tree.draw(dot_file="/tmp/", show=True)
- Expected output:
1 -1 пригрозил V@СОВ@ИЗЪЯВ@ПРОШ@ЕД@МУЖ пригрозить
2 1 ограничить V@СОВ@ИНФ ограничить
3 2 поездки S@МН@ЖЕН@ВИН@НЕОД поездка
4 5 американских A@МН@РОД американский
5 3 дипломатов S@МН@МУЖ@РОД@ОД дипломат
6 3 по PR по
7 6 России S@ЕД@ЖЕН@ДАТ@НЕОД россия