The project is about LayerZero V2 Omni fungible token implementation which supports ERC20 tokens to unify alongside all EVM-compatible networks. V2 is a new branch at LayerZero recently, and there are some confusions around npm packages and Foundry releases. Here, I have merged all together and created a working ready-to-use bridge.
For simplicity, I prepared utility functions under the ./setup
The testing should start by cloning the repo. In case Foundry does not exist, we should explain how to install it, as well as the availability of the Makefile and how to install things.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd layerzerov2-blockchain-bridge
Install Foundry if not already installed:
curl -L | bash foundryup
Install npm packages:
npm install
The foundry.toml
is already set up with the necessary dependencies:
src = 'src'
out = 'out'
libs = ['lib', 'node_modules']
remappings = [
Before testing, it is a good idea to check folder equivalents.
When ready for testing, there are two contracts under the src
In this case, we are going to use MockUsdt
, but any ERC20 is okay.
I have added examples for BSC Testnet, Linea Sepolia, and Polygon Amoy. I recommend testing the bridge between BSC Testnet and Linea Sepolia due to Polygon Amoy sometimes failing, probably because it is a new infrastructure.
To deploy contracts, the example sequence is:
- Deploy Mock USDT on BSC Testnet:
make deploy_mockusdt_bscTestnet
- This deploys the mock USDT. We should copy the deployed address and update the
- Deploy the Bridge contract on BSC Testnet:
make deploy_bridge_bscTestnet
- After deployment, we should copy the address and update the
: BSC_TESTNET_BRIDGE=<deployed_address>
Since LayerZero requires bytes32 with left 0 padding for peer engaging settings, we now produce a bytes32 left 0 padded content. I have added a help function for it. Usage is simple:
make to_bytes32 address=0xTheBridgeAddressDeployedRecently
We will repeat this for Linea Sepolia and set the .env
After we deploy the bridges and update the .env
file accordingly, it is time to connect the bridges together and update the last settings.
- Set peer connections:
make set-peer-lineaSepolia-bscTestnet
make set-peer-bscTestnet-lineaSepolia
- These commands tell the bridges to acknowledge each other.
- Verify peer acknowledgments:
make verify-peer-bscTestnet-lineaSepolia
make verify-peer-lineaSepolia-bscTestnet
- These should return true /
This is not written everywhere and might be hard to find, but I found out that it is a must in V2. So we have set these settings in all bridges for targeting bridges. Basically, it tells the bridges what type of transition we are having (in this case, it's 1) and the gas limit.
// The above contract implementation generates the following hash, and this is standard, so it means we don't need to worry about the above logic but can use the below hash. In LayerZero, remaining gas will always be refunded. So it's safe.
- Set enforced options:
make set-enforced-option-bscTestnet-lineaSepolia
make set-enforced-option-lineaSepolia-bscTestnet
For testing, we need to transfer a sufficient amount of mock USDT to the bridges. Therefore, the following commands will send and approve the receive and transfer abilities to the bridges.
- Transfer test supply and set allowances:
make transfer_test_supply_bscTestnet
make allowance_bscTestnet
make transfer_test_supply_lineaSepolia
make allowance_lineaSepolia
- Estimate gas:
make estimate_gas_bscTestnet_lineaSepolia
make estimate_gas_lineaSepolia_bscTestnet
Now we are ready for testing:
Sending 100 USDT, BSC Testnet to Linea Sepolia:
make send_from_bscTestnet_to_lineaSepolia
Sending 100 USDT, Linea Sepolia to BSC Testnet:
make send_from_lineaSepolia_to_bscTestnet
These commands will print the transaction hash to the console. You can copy those hashes and trace from LayerZero scan via address: LayerZero Scan
When a successful transfer occurs, for example, A to B, A will receive tokens from the sender, and when the message arrives at network B, B will send the same token to the sender.
Lastly, and importantly, I want to mention to look closely at how the bridge function is triggering:
cast send ${LINEA_SEPOLIA_BRIDGE} "send((uint32,bytes32,uint256,uint256,bytes,bytes,bytes),(uint,uint),address)" "(${BSC_TESTNET_LZ_CHAINID}, ${BSC_TESTNET_BYTES32}, \
100000000,100000000,0x,0x,0x)" "(10000000000000000,0)" ${DELEGATE_ADDRESS} \
--private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY} \
--value 0.01ether
This gas fee definition "(10000000000000000,0)"
should exactly be the same as the parameter --value 0.01ether
. I found out that, it's not written somewhere, but the inherited LayerZero V2 protocol has the following function not mentioned anywhere:
function _payNative(uint256 _nativeFee) internal virtual returns (uint256 nativeFee) {
if (msg.value != _nativeFee) revert NotEnoughNative(msg.value);
return _nativeFee;
So if this first parameter is not exactly the same, you will always get reverted and don't know why.
--value 0.01ether
Contributions to expand or improve the repository are welcome!