Monstra is a modern and lightweight Content Management System.
Operation system: Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS
Middleware: PHP 5.3.2 or higher with PHP's SimpleXML module and Multibyte String module
Webserver: Apache with Mod Rewrite or Ngnix with Rewrite Module
- Download the latest version.
- Unzip the contents to a new folder on your local computer.
- Upload that whole folder with an FTP client to your host.
- You may also need to recursively CHMOD the folder /storage/, /tmp/, /backups/ and /public/ to 755(or 777) if your host doesn't set it implicitly.
- Also you may also need to recursively CHMOD the /install.php, /.htaccess and /sitemap.xml to 755(or 777) if your host doesn't set it implicitly.
- Type in the browser.
- Help on the Forum.
- Donate to keep Monstra free. We will add you to Monstra Sponsors Page.
- Develop a new plugin.
- Create a new theme.
- Find and report issues.
- Link back to Monstra.