- Python 3
- Flask
- Flask-Markdown
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Admin
- Requests
- tinydb
- SQLAlchemy
- If you have conda installed:
conda env create -f environment.yml
. - If you have pip installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run runserver.py
(python3 runserver.py
). After that you can open the site:
- If you are on the host computer:
- If you are on the same network as the host computer:
local-ip:3000 (e.g.
) - If you are on the other site of the planet:
public-ip:3000 (e.g.
) This one probably requires port-forwarding too!
To use this feature you have to be authenticated! Send your own cookie! The server accepts 4 types of requests: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Every request call should specify at least 1 of the following parameters1:
- slack_id
- username
PUT accepts additional parameters (1 or more of the following):
- langs
- git
- timezone
- slack_id
- username
1: slack_id is the primary key and should be prefered in all cases!
P.S: If you want to download the whole database you need a special parameter req_all
set to 'true'
To run the tests: python3 -m unittest discover tests
Do NOT merge a failing branch!