This is the template repository that contains the devcontainer settings for .NET app development.
If you want to use this devcontainer settings, you can create a new repository with this template repository, by clicking the "Use this template" button.
By default, this devcontainer settings uses the base image of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (jammy).
"build": {
"dockerfile": "./Dockerfile",
"context": ".",
"args": {
"VARIANT": "6.0-jammy"
However, there is currently a bug on the C# extension v1.25.0 for Razor support on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (jammy). Therefore, if you need Razor support, build your devcontainer with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (focal).
"build": {
"dockerfile": "./Dockerfile",
"context": ".",
"args": {
// Use this only if you need Razor support, until OmniSharp supports .NET 6 properly
"VARIANT": "6.0-focal"
If you want to install Azure CLI, uncomment the section under the
attribute."features": { ... // Uncomment the below to install Azure CLI "": { "version": "latest" } ... },
If you want to install GitHub CLI, uncomment the section under the
attribute."features": { ... // Uncomment the below to install GitHub CLI "": { "version": "latest" } ... },
If you want to install node.js, uncomment the section under the
attribute."features": { ... // Uncomment the below to install node.js "": { "version": "lts", "nodeGypDependencies": true, "nvmInstallPath": "/usr/local/share/nvm" } ... },
If you want to add more features, find this repository: devcontainer features.
There are optional extensions that you can selectively install, under the
attribute. You can simply uncomment each line to enable or comment out one to disable."customizations": { "vscode": { "extensions": [ // Recommended extensions - GitHub "cschleiden.vscode-github-actions", "GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github", // Recommended extensions - Azure "ms-azuretools.vscode-bicep", // Recommended extensions - Collaboration "eamodio.gitlens", "EditorConfig.EditorConfig", "MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-pack", "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker", // Recommended extensions - .NET "", "jongrant.csharpsortusings", "kreativ-software.csharpextensions", // Recommended extensions - Power Platform "microsoft-IsvExpTools.powerplatform-vscode", // Recommended extensions - Markdown "bierner.github-markdown-preview", "DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint", "", "", "yzhang.markdown-all-in-one", ... ], ... } }
Alternatively, you can add as many extra extensions as you like, from Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
There are customisation options for your Codespaces settings, under the
attribute. You can simply uncomment each item to enable or comment out one to disable."customizations": { "vscode": { "settings": { // Uncomment if you want to use zsh as the default shell "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "zsh", "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": { "zsh": { "path": "/usr/bin/zsh" } }, // Uncomment if you want to use CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font as the default terminal font "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font", // Uncomment if you want to disable the minimap view "editor.minimap.enabled": false, // Recommended settings for the explorer pane "explorer.sortOrder": "type", "explorer.fileNesting.enabled": true, "explorer.fileNesting.patterns": { "*.bicep": "${capture}.json", "*.razor": "${capture}.razor.css", "*.js": "${capture}" } } } }
If you want to do more granular configurations, refer to this page, User and Workspace Settings.
If you want to use
as your main shell and want to run the shell script after the container is created:// Uncomment if you want to use bash in 'postCreateCommand' after the container is created "postCreateCommand": "/bin/bash ./.devcontainer/ > ~/post-create.log",
If you want to use
as your main shell and want to run the shell script after the container is created:// Uncomment if you want to use zsh in 'postCreateCommand' after the container is created "postCreateCommand": "/usr/bin/zsh ./.devcontainer/ > ~/post-create.log",
If you want to install CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font, uncomment the section below.
## CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font # Uncomment the below to install the CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font mkdir $HOME/.local mkdir $HOME/.local/share mkdir $HOME/.local/share/fonts wget unzip -d $HOME/.local/share/fonts rm
Use this option if you want to use oh-my-posh for PowerShell.
If you want to install Azure CLI extensions, uncomment the section below.
## AZURE CLI EXTENSIONS ## # Uncomment the below to install Azure CLI extensions extensions=$(az extension list-available --query "[].name" | jq -c -r '.[]') for extension in $extensions; do az extension add --name $extension done
Use this option with care because it will install ALL extensions at once.
If you want to install Azure Bicep CLI, uncomment the section below.
## AZURE BICEP CLI ## # Uncomment the below to install Azure Bicep CLI az bicep install
If you want to install Azure Functions Core Tools, uncomment the section below.
## AZURE FUNCTIONS CORE TOOLS ## # Uncomment the below to install Azure Functions Core Tools npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@4 --unsafe-perm true
If you want to install Azure Static Web Apps CLI, uncomment the section below.
## AZURE STATIC WEB APPS CLI ## # Uncomment the below to install Azure Static Web Apps CLI npm install -g @azure/static-web-apps-cli
If you want to install Azure Dev CLI, uncomment the section below.
## AZURE DEV CLI ## # Uncomment the below to install Azure Dev CLI curl -fsSL | bash
DEPENDENCIES: Make sure that you must get both Azure CLI and GitHub CLI installed beforehand.
If you want to install plugins and themes for oh-my-zsh without using your dotfiles, uncomment the section below.
## OH-MY-ZSH PLUGINS & THEMES (POWERLEVEL10K) ## # Uncomment the below to install oh-my-zsh plugins and themes (powerlevel10k) without dotfiles integration git clone $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-completions git clone $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting git clone $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions git clone $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k --depth=1 ln -s $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme
DEPENDENCIES: Make sure that you have already installed oh-my-zsh through the settings on
. -
If you want to install oh-my-zsh configurations without using your dotfiles, uncomment the section below.
## OH-MY-ZSH - POWERLEVEL10K SETTINGS ## # Uncomment the below to update the oh-my-zsh settings without dotfiles integration curl > $HOME/.p10k-with-clock.zsh curl > $HOME/.p10k-without-clock.zsh curl > $HOME/ chmod +x ~/ cp $HOME/.p10k-with-clock.zsh $HOME/.p10k.zsh cp $HOME/.zshrc $HOME/.zshrc.bak echo "$(cat $HOME/.zshrc)" | awk '{gsub(/ZSH_THEME=\"codespaces\"/, "ZSH_THEME=\"powerlevel10k\"")}1' > $HOME/.zshrc.replaced && mv $HOME/.zshrc.replaced $HOME/.zshrc echo "$(cat $HOME/.zshrc)" | awk '{gsub(/plugins=\(git\)/, "plugins=(git zsh-completions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions)")}1' > $HOME/.zshrc.replaced && mv $HOME/.zshrc.replaced $HOME/.zshrc echo " # To customize prompt, run 'p10k configure' or edit ~/.p10k.zsh. [[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.p10k.zsh " >> $HOME/.zshrc
DEPENDENCIES: Make sure that you uncommend the oh-my-zsh plugins and themes section before using this section.
If you want to switch the
configuration with clock or without clock, run the following shell script:# Disable clock ~/ # Enable clock ~/ -c
If you want to install oh-my-posh for PowerShell, uncomment the section below
## OH-MY-POSH ## # Uncomment the below to install oh-my-posh sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh
If you want to install oh-my-posh configurations without using your dotfiles, uncomment the section below.
## OH-MY-POSH - POWERLEVEL10K SETTINGS ## # Uncomment the below to update the oh-my-posh settings without dotfiles integration curl > $HOME/p10k-with-clock.omp.json curl > $HOME/p10k-without-clock.omp.json curl > $HOME/switch-p10k-clock.ps1 mkdir $HOME/.config/powershell curl > $HOME/.config/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 cp $HOME/p10k-with-clock.omp.json $HOME/p10k.omp.json
DEPENDENCIES: Make sure that you uncommend the oh-my-posh installation section before using this section.
If you want to switch the
configuration with clock or without clock, run the following shell script:# Disable clock ~/switch-p10k-clock.ps1 # Enable clock ~/switch-p10k-clock.ps1 -WithClock