- Bower (A package manager for the web)
- Gulp (Build system)
- browser-sync (Live CSS Reload & Browser Syncing)
- del (Delete files/folders using globs)
- gulp-autoprefixer (Prefix CSS)
- gulp-plumber (Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins)
- gulp-rename (Rename files)
- gulp-sass (Gulp plugin for sass)
- gulp-uglify (Minify files with UglifyJS)
- gulp-imagemin (Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images)
- imagemin-pngquant (pngquant imagemin plugin)
Bower requires Node and npm. Follow directions below if you don’t have Node installed on your system. To install using homebrew:
brew install node
Otherwise, you can download and install from here.
Install Bower
npm install -g bower
Install Gulp
npm install -g gulp
Clone starterkit repository
Rename myproject to whatever you wish your folder to be called
git clone https://github.com/devoidofgenius/DevStarterKit.git myproject
Install Bower Components
Inside project directory
bower install
Install Node Modules
Inside project directory
npm install
Running the default gulp task starts development mode
To run the complete production build of your site
gulp production